DIY fertilizer... Am i doing it right?


Active Member
OK, i'm new to organics but bear with me and please correct me ( cause i AM wrong )
1. You can fertilize your plants with water in which you've put decaying leaves from all sorts of plants ( i.e. grape vine, grapes, apple, bannana peel - i ate the bannana -, garden flower leaves, etc ), ground coffee and ground corn. This will result in a brown liquid a bit more visquous than water that seems to have given my plant which was lacking any smell a very very potent smell ( must be doing good, right ? )
2. Ashes from dead leaves, hay, grass, fruit, anything green that can be burnt are good as solid fertilizer to mix with the soil OR mix with water, leave them to blend for 3-5 days then water the plants.
3. Buying earthworms from a baitshop ( like 10-20 per plant pot- 1-2 gallon pot size ) and throwing them inside and putting some maise flour in the pot ( a teaspoon ) and covering it up with dirt to feed the little wormies. This will give earthworm castings and if ( when ) the worms die, they fertilize the soil

I can't think of anything else right about now, i will come back to the thread tomorow and ask some more if you are willing to listen.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure what to say about that formula, as to if that would work someone else will have to take that one, your best bet is to start a worm bin, collect your castings, buy a cheap bag of guano, some molasses and use a bucket, a fish tank pump and air stone. Make a living compost tea, feeding the plant, and soil food-web that feeds your plant.


Active Member
i don't really have acces to any of those for free... :(
except the worms, but starting a worm bin seems to take too long... the plant needs it now


Well-Known Member
you might want to start up a worm bin now, so that your next grow around you will have plenty of worm castings and compost.

How long are you leaving all this stuff in the water? Where are you storing it? What are the temperatures like where you are storing it?


Well-Known Member
I'd be very nervous of the water thing, it'd be full of anaerobic bacteria and I'd guess mostly of the pathogenic kind.

Just a little quote to consider for the future actually "if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail".


Well-Known Member
You will need to buy the correct worms for your worm bin though. regular earthworms (nightcrawlers)wont work . composting worms will eather be Euros or Red worms..