DIY Ez Cloner: Cloning help


Active Member
Well here i am once again typing another thread up because i am am having great difficulty getting clones to take root.
I think it has to do with the strain but who knows i just can't get any luck. I would include photos but i dunno if it would help too much and at this very moment i don't have my digital cam.

Well what i made was one of the ez cloners with the bubble stones where the clones just hang through the lid. I put 3 bubble wands in my container and it definatly appears to be getting enough water cause every time i take the lid off the thing is saturated with drops of water.

I didn't use a heater at first because i thought it wasn't necassary because the water temp was at 61 deg i thought that was close enough. Well after waiting a week seeing no results i added a heater that makes temp 78 degs. i believe 70 is ideal but i can't imagine that is the problem. I placed a humidity dome over the aerocloner for a week once i removed it like 5 clones seemed to die off. I dipped all clones in olivias rooting gel and the water bubble run 24 hrs a day i keep the clones about 18" away from the light.

Here are me suspects.
1. perhaps they are getting too wet and i need to add a timer and have the water turn off and on?

2. i noticed after 26 days still no roots and the clones seem to be getting worse the ones that stayed healthy up until day 24. Well i noticed a bit a mold white around the clone where the clone was sittin in 1/2" plastic tubing. I have the things set up in the basement and i know there is spores down there but it has not effected any thing else mamas, veg, or flowering plants?

Other then this i have not god damn clue why this is not working every thread i have read about this cloner people seem to have amazing results and roots appear in like 5-7 days and clones stay very healthy?

Any suggestions plz help i beg you all plz!!!

update i will include a few pics for shits and giggles.



Active Member
Hey AngelTits, I am new to this site but I'm quite an experienced grower. I have found that some strains simply don't clone as well as others, also, what stage is your mother plant at? If the clones from your mother just aren't rooting in your cloner, try in soil under a dome or in rockwool inside zip bags. In your cloner, whats the ph of your water? it may be nute locked, also are you using any rooting hormone? I have found that for aero/hydro cloning, clonex gel works best for me.

Hope it helps bro.


Active Member
i am a some what experianced grower but i have yet to master cloning i have been doing stuff for about 5 years but just tried cloning this year. I have tried cloning alot of different ways and the only way i had mild success was cloning in perlite and vermiculite but the success rate was only like 40% which is really pissing me off i really don't wanna start another strain cause it will take me soo long to get things established. I really think it is either too wet or the mold is getting on the clones and causing them to not want to root or something. by the way i used olivias rooting gel and i soaked clones for about 1hr i usually don't even bother but i heard it helps with aero cloning.


Well-Known Member
i would use indigo advice if you plan to run it 24/7

i would take out the heater as its not really necessary...

may i suggest clonex cloning solution if you have the money?

try to take new clones as the mold is indicative of being dead


Active Member
Also another question if the problem is too much water how often should i have the bubbles on? 30min on 30 min off on/off/on/off etc.....???


Active Member
i would use indigo advice if you plan to run it 24/7

i would take out the heater as its not really necessary...

may i suggest clonex cloning solution if you have the money?

try to take new clones as the mold is indicative of being dead
I have the money but its an hr drive :sad: i usually wait till i have a few items to get till i head down the the old store but this is important i just don't want to drive an hour for the clonex unless it it gunna make things work. It seems like the times i had success with the perlite and vermiculite it was an issue of getting the perfect amount of moisture but as of late i am loseing patiance with that method so i am trying this method


Active Member
Hey AngelTits, I am new to this site but I'm quite an experienced grower. I have found that some strains simply don't clone as well as others, also, what stage is your mother plant at? If the clones from your mother just aren't rooting in your cloner, try in soil under a dome or in rockwool inside zip bags. In your cloner, whats the ph of your water? it may be nute locked, also are you using any rooting hormone? I have found that for aero/hydro cloning, clonex gel works best for me.

Hope it helps bro.
I know the ph if good, i think 6.8 or something like that. my mothers are probally about 5-6 months old i can't remember. i am semi experienced grow too and new to site welcome. i used to goto a site called overgrow ahile back


Active Member
Something that has helped me with rooting in the past is to extend the exposed area at the cut point, i do this by peeling back the outer edge of them stem, where you have made the 45 deg. cut however, this will stunt your growth but if you are just getting dead clones then its probably worth the 2 or 3 day setback while the plant repairs. I think this would be most appropriate in aero cloning.



Active Member
i just wanted to bump this to see if i could gett a few more peoples opinions cause i gotta cut clones later this evening and i want this shit to work


Well-Known Member
get your water at a steady 68 to 74 degrees preperably 72 or 73 to avoid bacteria growth. You need steady temps and youv'e stressed the clones by this great fluctuation in temperature. The key is steady temps and proper moisture levels and keeping everything clean. LEAVE YOUR BUBBLE ON TWENTY FOUR HOURS A DAY. Also make sure ur water level is abut an inch below the cuttings..maybe 2 inches but make sure the stems have a drip on them when u pop the lid to peek at them. They can be in the water as long as bubbles hit them but don't do too far that could cause root rot. So i'd say keep ur temps at a steady 73 and make sure ur stems r properly moist and keep ur pump on 24/7. And change ur rez w clean ph'd water every few days if u can helps keep it clean if u havnt already (it appears clean in the pics). If you do those things it will give your clones their greatest chance of survival in my opinion.


Active Member
Im looking at building a cloner my self because the 45 site power cloner i have is a friends and its too big. I want to build a power cloner half the size or smaller. 15-25 clones at most will be plenty. I was thinking of doing it with a similar container just smaller.

The only problem I see with yours is possibly the holes be too small once roots grow in. I would drill out 1" or so to fit the neoprenes that are used in power/ez cloners. I use power cloner and the roots grow quite large very quickly it the hole wasnt a inch or so it would be hard not damaging roots when pulling them out to transplant.