Diy Dwc for cannabis growing


Well-Known Member
back about 6 months ago, this thread and a few other is what got me started. i modified it somewhat.

i started out with the rubbermaid totes, like this thread. but i put 3 plants in each one. when they started to over grow the tote. i then changed the tote to 5 gallon buckets. i did not like the slow growth of my roots. so i added a pump and a assembly with sprayhead, in no time at all i had more roots than i new what to do with.

now everything i read and everybody i talk to tells me that i will have problem with the water temps. which in the begining was about 70*f (winter) now that summer is here i am up to 80*f. i dont see adverse affects yet. been 3 or 4 weeks so far and all is good.

has anybody had a problem with reservoir water temps?
what kind of problem should i be looking for?
how did you solve it?

NO i cant afford a chiller. already got about $800 in this and my wife would kill me if i came home with a $400 chiller.

few pics

the bucket

bag seed. this plant was vegged 5-6weeks/ never do that again.
day 38 flower.

this is a clone #1 of the bag seed above. vegged about 2 weeks, day 10 flower.

this clone #2 of the bag seed. vegged about 3 weeks, day 2 of flower.
this plant got so close to the T5s i had to bend it, and it burned a little because i did have another bucket ready for it togo to the flower room.


Well-Known Member
Problems some people have with high temps in the reservoir is root root & or algae. The root root will look like a white slime on the roots. To tackle this you will have to use products such as hygrozyme, florashield or hydroguard. These products will tackle all of the root issues that you may have. :peace:


Well-Known Member
P.S. If your using H2O2 in your res then you may want to read the directions as to which one of the above products you may use with h202. H202 kills pathogens & may not be compatible with some nutrients & or supplements.


Well-Known Member
P.S. If your using H2O2 in your res then you may want to read the directions as to which one of the above products you may use with h202. H202 kills pathogens & may not be compatible with some nutrients & or supplements.

Hydrogen Peroxide works fine with General Hydroponics nutes.




Well-Known Member
thanks guys. I wonder why the hydro-shop guy did not saying anything about these chemicals. even after i asked if there was a solution. maybe i wasn't very clear with him. cant see him passing up a sale.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. I wonder why the hydro-shop guy did not saying anything about these chemicals. even after i asked if there was a solution. maybe i wasn't very clear with him. cant see him passing up a sale.

thanks again.
Sure, no problem. Let us know how everything works out for you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen Peroxide works fine with General Hydroponics nutes.



Yes I know it i works with the GH's 3 part flora series however it may not work with the florashield. Florashield is similar to hydroguard & hygrozyme. Also GH on their feeding chart makes it seem that you have to put florakleen every single week but it is highly unnecessary. Once every 2-3 weeks would suffice. That shit might be the most expensive root protection on the market plus in addition to that they want you to add 37.5ml per gallon.


Active Member
Alright i have a few questions. I just finished this build for myself and so far it has run great, i'm waiting for my seeds to germ before i get them into my sponge.

I've read that you can put the seed straight into your sponge and then into the hydrotons. Is this true?

I should fill my solution all the way up to the bottom of the net pot?

how often to you clean the res?

What is the easiest way to control water temp? can i just throw in an ice pack if its too hot?

Are tangled roots a bad thing? i can't imagine 6 plants in an 18 gallon res won't have tangled roots. whats the easiest way to keep them from getting tangled?

If i use the SOG method, can i put in 12 net cups and have a very short turn around while still using the 18 gallon res?


Well-Known Member
found this browsing the internet

Good thread ...!!!

+ Rep...

Do U Have To Use Netcups, Or Is There Anything Else I Could Use (from Around The House)?
Thank You.
I use open cell foam... I buy foam pillows at WM and cut them to fit snug in the hole...

You may want to experiment with different types of foam as they will have different wicking and water retention rates...

I am even considering closed cell foam, once the roots are in the water, to keep the stems dry... thus preventing stem rot...

Man that plant look awesome great job and great post very cool.
What he said...!!! LOL

i think i'm going hydro now. i didnt know it was this easy to start. thanks man you've made a beleiver out of me.
That is why I love posts like this so much, it just encouraged someone to probe beyond the "MAGIK" of hydro...

Kudos to you for believing...!!!

Just wondering... But I have 1 light socket in a hidden room. If I were to cut the wires into the light socket, could I replace the light socket with a wall outlet? And if so, what type of lights should I use? Remember... I only have 1 light socket so I'll need something I could use a splitter for. Preferably like 4 23w CFL's. Thanks!
I know I am waaaay late, but they do make adapters that screw in to a light bulb socket that will give you 2 or 3 outlets... no need for butchering your fixture...

wat if i want to use another rez? is there someway to use 2 rez's and use one for something else like nutes or sumshit, and how do i put nutes in there? do i fill the rez up with water and put a bucket of some nutes in there or what?
Read your Avatar...!!!! LOL

Sorry, I just couldn't resist...

You just got to read up on stuff man... A LOT....

Impulse718 said:
Alright i have a few questions. I just finished this build for myself and so far it has run great, i'm waiting for my seeds to germ before i get them into my sponge.

we are in the same time frame I think....

Take a peek at my sig... there are some interesting ideas in there....

Impulse718 said:
I've read that you can put the seed straight into your sponge and then into the hydrotons. Is this true?
I am not sure about hydroton... I just use foam and keep the in foam all the way...

Impulse718 said:
I should fill my solution all the way up to the bottom of the net pot?
You need to make sure you do not promote stem/root rot in fresh clones... once they have roots it really doesn't matter where the water level is, as long as the roots can reach it... If you fill it, it will need to be re-filled at a later time when in comparison to one that was not topped off...

With that being said, when you start to use nutrients, you need to be aware of your PPM, and as water evaporates (leaving the nutrients behind) your solution will have more parts per million.... opening the door to nute burn....

Impulse718 said:
how often to you clean the res?
Most people say every two weeks... some people say in between grows...

I clean mine when I start to see deposits of minerals and salts... white'ish, powder like accumulations on the corners...

Impulse718 said:
What is the easiest way to control water temp? can i just throw in an ice pack if its too hot?
If you put a fan across the surface of the water, the evaporative cooling effect will help you... but as the name implies, you will lose more water to the air...

Try to avoid shocking your plants....

The best way is to lower the ambient temperature...

A frozen bottle in front of your fan may help....

But temperature stability is a good thing in a grow space... bith in and out of the water....

Impulse718 said:
Are tangled roots a bad thing? i can't imagine 6 plants in an 18 gallon res won't have tangled roots. whats the easiest way to keep them from getting tangled?
You only need to untangle the roots if you need to remove the plants from the set-up before harvest...

I have kept my roots apart by removing the plants from the tray, often but very delicately... and I would not recommend it.... it always hurts them some...

Impulse718 said:
If i use the SOG method, can i put in 12 net cups and have a very short turn around while still using the 18 gallon res?
There are some numbers thrown out there, but I do believe that those are for full size plants...

You will have to experiment...

More room for the roots is always better...


Ok time for a general disclaimer...

all of the stuff I said above is my experience...

I am not claiming to be good or even right.... so take what I said with a grain of your own common sense...

I hope this helps ...




Elite Rolling Society
Alright i have a few questions.

I've read that you can put the seed straight into your sponge and then into the hydrotons. Is this true? YES


how often to you clean the res? at least Weekly in the beginning, you drain and replinish. The more often you drain and replinish, the more oxegen the roots get and the faster the growth

What is the easiest way to control water temp? can i just throw in an ice pack if its too hot? CONTROLING THE SURROUNDING AIR TEMP IS THE BEST WAY. If you use CFLS, yu don't have a heat problem, but with HID lights, you nned to vent heat out and use fans

Are tangled roots a bad thing? i can't imagine 6 plants in an 18 gallon res won't have tangled roots. whats the easiest way to keep them from getting tangled? Man, they get tangled, they grow tangled and there is no harm in it.
The bigger the tank, the more water. The more water, the more work. The depth of the tank is not all that important, but needs to be at least 14 to 18 inches deep.

If i use the SOG method, can i put in 12 net cups and have a very short turn around while still using the 18 gallon res?
YES, SOG is basically using a shorter VEG period, resulting in shorter plants, closer together. If you start with seed, you will take out the males later, making more room for the girls. Every one argues and debates short VEG time,(1 or 2 weks) long VEG time, 4 or 5 weeks.
I ahve done both and i perfer a 5 week VEG, yielding much bigger plants and more tops and more yield. But SOG is faster,and best for a Stealth grow or fast grow.


Well-Known Member
where the hell this come from.

this is great thread. this one is what got me started about 13 months ago. damn it seems like a lot longer than 1 year.

later i post the new system i built to control the water temp issues i had in the summer.

or hell just go here. its a long story (all of it in the thread) but i had to start over from scratch. just seedlings going right now.