DIY Diffuision Beads


Active Member
I was just wondering if anyone had ever tried using those Beads you put in your bong to cool down the smoke? I dont really know the Brand name but they are featured in High Times. So the basic idea behind a bong is that the smoke cools as the smoke bubble rise through the water. With out using the beads the smoke bubbles are large and difficult to cool down with all that hot smoke in inside. What the beads do is break that large smoke bubble into a bunch of smaller bubbles making it easier to cool. I saw those beads and immediately thought they looked like marbles. I went to a local hobby shop and picked up a bag of small clear marbles and just dumped them in my bong. WOW what a difference. The hits are much smoother and it doesnt require as much water to fill up the chamber. If anyone has ever used these diffusion beads then they know what im talking about. Very easy and cheap way to make your smoking experience that much better. :blsmoke: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
how would normal glass marbles in the bottom of your bong cool the smoke down? a diffuser is a downpipe with the bottom bit closed offf and loads of small holes or slits so bubbles are smaller.... on my mini bong, iv got these glass things in the toilet that i broke with a hammer and inserted in the bottom of my downpipe so it doesnt come out as massive bubbles, but as smaller ones...


Caution!!! When dropping marbles/stones/beads into your bong it is very easy for these "marbles" to become hydrolocked in bong and make it impossible to get back nephew took my roor and tried dumping marbles in got stuck right in the downstem joint and hydrolocked into place...$400 bong worthless...


Active Member
Caution!!! When dropping marbles/stones/beads into your bong it is very easy for these "marbles" to become hydrolocked in bong and make it impossible to get back nephew took my roor and tried dumping marbles in got stuck right in the downstem joint and hydrolocked into place...$400 bong worthless...
Thats why I used The smallest marbles I could find. They are like half the size of a normal marble. Maybe if you even went bigger. The beads in the you tube video look bigger than what I have. All I know is that the hits are much smoother and only cost me $3. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hmm just a wild guess at what that would do, but when the smoke bubbles hit the marbles, would that split them up thus making smaller and more bubbles, cooling the smoke more? if so then, im going to give that a shot!

Peace x


Active Member
I have been interested in this since I saw it on youtube. are they glass marbles?
Yes they are glass and work great. I try to be very careful when dumping them in so as not break anything.

how would normal glass marbles in the bottom of your bong cool the smoke down? a diffuser is a downpipe with the bottom bit closed offf and loads of small holes or slits so bubbles are smaller.... on my mini bong, iv got these glass things in the toilet that i broke with a hammer and inserted in the bottom of my downpipe so it doesnt come out as massive bubbles, but as smaller ones...
This works exactly the same way. The larger bubles make contact with the marbles and break off into smaller bubbles. The smaller the bubbles the more surface area which causes it to cool faster inturn you get a smoother hit.


Active Member
hmm just a wild guess at what that would do, but when the smoke bubbles hit the marbles, would that split them up thus making smaller and more bubbles, cooling the smoke more? if so then, im going to give that a shot!

Peace x
Yup Exactly!!!! :clap:


Active Member
they sell precision air soft bb's that weigh more than normal ones so they shoot more straight. they work perfect because they sink and dont float. I MUST WARN YOU beads will break at least 1 downstem guaranteed. stem gets jammed with beads in it al the fucking time. after my 3rd one i said fuck it and bought a luke wilson down stem gg.



Well-Known Member
^^those don't look glass. Honestly I wouldn't use anything that isn't, just for safety. I mean smoke is pretty fucking hot, you never know what they could release when heated. But if you got them from a headshop, maybe they are glass and I'm a tard.


its definatly not hot enough to heat em up or do anything to them.....they work great and they wont break your bong