DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
hey guys... just wanted to let you know what was going on. As expected I was busy all weekend, and hope to have some free time tomorrow. I hope during that free time to cut down plant number 3... I think she is pretty much ready.

I know they have a separate journal, but one of clones has found a new home. I sent her away with my buddy who helped with the tile.

I'll post pics of her leaving on the other thread later.

Big plants have been on strait water for 60 hours now. Didn't really get a chance to look at them at all today. bummer.

hollywood bowl was fun.



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you had a nice weekend Jig;) May the harvest god smile on you!! I know this has been a long process but now you get to reap the rewards...WOW! Enjoy...MJ

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Hahaha Love Andrea Bocelli! Wow Jig, what a wonderful husband you are... you didn't go baked by any chance?:-P

Can't wait to see the fruits- er, buds of your labor.


Well-Known Member
The end of the line for plant number 3.


But very Happy at the same time.

Thanks guys for getting me here. I'll be sure to post bunches of pictures and write lots of details.

My wife said today when she looked, "WOW... they really do look ready. It's amazing the difference."

I think that is a good judgement. The one plant totally has that golden glow. Just looks right.


you didn't go baked by any chance?:-P
Go where... what... who, me???? Um.... yes. If I was there I was probably baked.

The first 3 pics are of the plant getting cut. The pic with my hand holding a bud is from the plant coming down as well.



Well-Known Member
Trimming is Hard Work.

So far I have only cut 1 main branch and all it's sub branches... I have around 30 grams wet. I think there are 6 main branches and this is about the smallest. I'm thinking I can pull 1.5 ounces dry off this girl... (the point of guessing now as I'm cutting I'm not sure, but it's fun)

I'm keeping the frosty stuff separate from the green stuff. Butter and hash will be made later.

that last pic is my fav i stared at for a while lol:weed:
I try to save the best for last.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice man ....... i bet your clones cant wait to get into there new room......... less then a month and we get a smoke report :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I am pretty liberal as what counts as sugar trim.

I even count a fan leaf if the stem is covered enough in trichs.

But that's me.


Well-Known Member
check out my grow
How about check out my harvest... after all isn't that what this thread is about?

I am going to trim one more branch then call it quits for the night. I think I have cut about 60% of plant #3... the wet weight will be around 100 grams for what I've cut... so let's hope for say 180 grams wet... should come out to around 35 grams dry (there is alot of branch still left on them)

finger hash is fun.

and a freezer bag full of frosty trim looks tasty.

pics in the morning.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Tired... but the show must go on.
Hahahaha you are totally preforming surgery, pulled up the doctors table and everything. Love it.

100 wet not bad. All my weights usually drop by 50% but i like to leave a little moisture in them so they're nice and fluffy for awhile. Other than that those nugs look delicious, love the drying box its perfect. Ghetto but it gets the job done right. I always feel like MacGyver when I use what's on hand. Remember that slow drying is the key no matter how much you want to smoke those fat nugs. The slower you dry the better the taste. So try getting a speed controller for that pc fan you've got unless I'm repeating something you've already stated then I'm sorry

Later jig sorry for the long time no see.


Well-Known Member
Nice man! Those buds look good enough to eat.

How did you make ur dryer? I'm about 3 weeks out from harvest, never dryed/cured before. Box + PC fans are the way to go eh?


Well-Known Member
Eeeeewwwwwwww... my roots are some kinda nasty. I'm so sad. I was hoping they would be sparkling white. Oh well... room to grow.

I'll have pics later. I'm pretty grossed out at my rez man.... nasty. At least it doesn't smell bad or anything, just gross looking.

hey RN... I don't know if the box and fan is the best... just what I have going. I think it would be just as good without the fan. You would just need to open the box twice a day to chage air. The fan is overkill even at 25cfm. I don't have it on all the time.

good to see you smoote.


Well-Known Member
Blame me Jig. I wanted to live vicariously through you in the form of a bad ass bud dryer. I still think the fan is boss. Someday I will post a pic of mine.

Edit: The roots are a direct reflection of the plant IMO. If they were gross, it makes me think you could have gotten an even better result!

I have to ask again...Why not H2O2???

Are you going to find a way to be able to view/access/manipulate your roots next time?