DIY Cfl reflector and grow box interior Q.


Active Member
Hi everyone :)

Could i use an old large christmas pudding tub as a cfl reflector if i tinfoil the inside? I only have one light you see and the matt white walls dont reflect much light :( What is better than matt white paint for the inside of the grow box?

Chow for now, Joemuz


Well-Known Member
mylar or emergency blankets from the dollar store.

You can choose: white matt paint, spray paint white, pandafilm, mylar, emergency blankets dollar store - NOT ALUMINUM FOIL we're growing not cooking a turkey!


Well-Known Member
tin foil heats up... don't use it.... two coats of white paint, or Mylar *gift wrap*...... you pic mylar up for like a dollar in any gift shop........


Well-Known Member
Yes, don't let the "it doesn't really look like it's reflecting" thing stop you. Matt white is fine. I believe it reflects 80 - 85% of the light ;)