DIY CFL Reflective hood


Well-Known Member
Hey guys what's goin on?! I just finished my new reflective hood for my CFL grow so I just thought I'd post some pix to see what you guys think. I just started flowering 4 days ago. Had 2 plants, one of them turned out to me male :cuss: so he got chopped down today and turned into cannabutter! (I don't know if it'll do anything, only way to find out is to try it right? lol) Anyways, tomorrow I will be fninshing it putting on a door, ventalition, and a LOCK! I'm just way excited about this and hope she produces nicely! :bigjoint:

Let me know what you guys think! Any input is welcome!



Well-Known Member
Wow, everything looks nice. I like the reflector, great work! Plant looks really healthy too. Did you top her?
Hey thankyou! I appreciate it! And nope, I didn't top her, complete LST. She was a weird clone and her main stem split into 3 main (branches). So I bent them down and have all 3 growing around the container. So basically, the stem look's like this pic I drew, with MAD side growth.

And here is everything I used to make the hood, W/Prices. (prices rounded up)
*Particle board with little holes in it. ($7)
*Aluminum Foil Duct Tape($7)
*Zip Ties (ALOT OF THEM) ($3)
*Twine ($3)
*Light Sockets (Already Had)
*Y Splitters (had 2, baught 3 more, $3ea)
*A flat head screwdriver and Hammer (for making the holes for the lights in the particle board) (already had)

It amazes me what you can do if you just smoke a bowl and think for a minute. This cost me a totaly of <$30, time spent thinking, time spent building, and time spent re-building to make it fit just perfect. All in all, minus the 12 smoke breaks I took during the project, watching football and being lazy. Total actual time makeing woud be about an hour, give or take 30 min.



Well-Known Member
I agree! I don't think there is a better thing to do if your somewhat limited with space besides LST. I'm thinking about trying to ScrOG on my next grow. Maybe get a few more plants and just grow them vertically all the way across my room. That way I would be using up ALL the lighting that I have. We'll see tho, I want to see what this girl does first! :)


Well-Known Member
yea deff nice set up you should move the plant closer to the lights tho

ps thats a wicked looking plant nice job


Well-Known Member
5 grand on a bloombox?!?!? CRIPES! I'd be broke! That would pay my rent for almost 2 years!..

Hey thanks for all the good words guys! I've got her LSTing to the max, hopefully it'll increase my yield, she's straight BUSH! lol, And don't worry I keep the plant closer to those lights for sure! Right at about 3 inches away. Thanks for looking out tho! I just moved her to take these pix because I was all exited about my new set up.

I actually just finished building it last night. Wait till you see what I've done! lol, I think it's pretty sick anyways! I'll take some pix when I get home from work, and I'll post them tonight. Your gonna wanna see this! lol, not to toot my own horn or anything, but it wasn't exactly the easiest project.


Well-Known Member
find that nut with the five grand and build him something, i recon around around a grand would do it and ur four grand up, build an extension on ur house and grow a forest!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, here's the whole new set up. I'm liking it alot more, and Lacy seems to be too. ;) lol, let me know what you thing about this. I can have people over now without worrying about them seeing anything... All I need to do now is finish light proofing it and I'm golden.

Oh and the plant is kept closer to the lights then in that last picture.



Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I know right! Thanks stoner barbie! It doesn't matter who you are, everybody always like to hear that their plant(s) looks good! :)


Well-Known Member
she is getting unbelievablly bushy guys!
I origionally started LSTing her because I don't have alot of vertical room, but I'm gonna have to stop because I'm running out of horozontal room now and actually have room to grow upwards!

Can YOUR plant do this?????



Hey guys what's goin on?! I just finished my new reflective hood for my CFL grow so I just thought I'd post some pix to see what you guys think. I just started flowering 4 days ago. Had 2 plants, one of them turned out to me male :cuss: so he got chopped down today and turned into cannabutter! (I don't know if it'll do anything, only way to find out is to try it right? lol) Anyways, tomorrow I will be fninshing it putting on a door, ventalition, and a LOCK! I'm just way excited about this and hope she produces nicely! :bigjoint:

Let me know what you guys think! Any input is welcome!
Nice setup. I grow CFL and the only thing I think I might do differently is lay the bulbs on their sides instead of at an angle. But looks good!


Well-Known Member
she is getting unbelievablly bushy guys!
I origionally started LSTing her because I don't have alot of vertical room, but I'm gonna have to stop because I'm running out of horozontal room now and actually have room to grow upwards!

Can YOUR plant do this?????
Uhhh yeah my plant can do that lol
Nice reflector and plant though