DIY Bubbleponics 12 Site Grow


Active Member
Setup a cool bubbleponics system yesterday, thought I would share it with you all.

Cheap-O storage tote, from CVS pharmacy for the res. 185 GPH submersible pump, a 6" airstone w/ an air pump. Got 12 3" net pots at the local hydro store, cut out sites on the top of the storage tote. Irrigation is handled by a 6 site, 1/4" drip irrigation adjustable flow splitter. Took some tubing and 1/4" T splitters to get enough for 12 sites. I absolutely HATE the drip irrigation tubing, its too stiff and is hard to position time I will use more aquarium tubing as it is much more forgiving. Ran tubing up through the bottom of the net pots, and topped them off with a 2 GPH dripper. Media is hydroton and clones are in some plugs.

12 Clones
-2 Green Crack. Picked up at local dispensery, they were looking REAL sorry but I insisted that I wanted to grow some GC so they gave them to me for free !
-2 Soul Train. Trainwreck hybrid, can't remember the other strain. These looked fantastic when I picked them up and I saw what they look like when they are flowering. Looks to be a great strain
-1 Gold Train. Trainwreck/Pot of Gold hybrid. Again, looked great, much smaller plant when it flowers but colas should be dense and tall.
-The rest are all Blue Knight, a Blue Dragon/ Kryptonite hybrid. Very quick finish on the BK, so can't wait!

Currently, plants are under a single dinky 23W CFL. Going to throw some more 43 watters in there, but first I need to find those 4 way CFL splitter/adaptors. Anybody know where I can order one online? Could not find one at either hardware store in town.....

Depending on how fast I can get my full grow room set up, I might just use this box as a cloner/vegger, and transfer plants to the HPS lights later on. But, if it seems to be going really well, I might just keep then all under the CFL's and try to flower when they are still very short and do SOG/SCROG.



Well-Known Member
the cfl splitter are at home depot. and i like what you have going on. not to fond of the drip idea, but to each his own. happy growing.


Active Member
Finally found a hardware store that stocked the Y splitters for the CFL's...Plants now have 2X 200W (45w) daylight CFLs and 2X 100W (26w) 2600K CFLs on them.

Roots are juuust starting to poke through in some of the clones. Hopefully within the next 7 days the clones will be fully acclimated to their new home and I can start throwing some decent nutes at them to get em growing. Going to aim for ~9-11" then throw the lights onto 12/12 for flowering SOG.

Pics to come soon!
i like the setup but ur not actually using all the glory of the bubbles (oxygen) with the drippers not tryn to be an a%$ hole just sayn

Illegal Smile

i like the setup but ur not actually using all the glory of the bubbles (oxygen) with the drippers not tryn to be an a%$ hole just sayn
True but you're not using all the glory of the bubbles with tube feeders either, are you?


Active Member
True but you're not using all the glory of the bubbles with tube feeders either, are you?

I was thinking it probably wouldn't matter too much....air stone keeps air oxygenated in the tank, but the extra oxygen the plants receive won't be in the form of actual bubbles that you can see but will results from a greater amount of oxygen molecules being in the nutrient solution due to constant aeration....I think lol. If someone knows for sure that this is NOT the case and that the drippers are going to greatly reduce the efficiency of the airstone, let me know and once the plants are a little more set in I will remove the drippers and see if the damn irrigation tubing can be adjusted to feed the plants properly.

What kind of feeding schedule should you use with bubbleponics, I know you should never let the roots fully dry, but do you feed on an hourly basis, or every other hour, and for how long? Right now I am feeding once an hour 10-20 mins.

Aaaand as promised, and better late then never, here are some update pics...
-Shot of the roots just starting to peek through the net pots.
-Couple shots of the plants
-Shot of the setup in my closet


I wasnt tryn to be an a&% hole or anything what its what ever floats ur boat oh and by the way nice grow space its nice and clean


Active Member
Time for an update. Plants looked a little over-fertilized so I flushed and added just a tiny bit of G.H. Gro nutes two days ago...they seem to be doing better so if they keep recovering like this I will throw in some more G.H. Gro and maybe a tiny bit of micronutes in a day or so. Replaced two underperforming clones with taller, better established ones, which seem to be acclimating to their new environment quite well. Most clones have roots down through the bottom of the net pots, a few even have long taproots extending into the water! Also been running around town getting supplies ready for the flowering room...should be up in less than a week. Picked up lumber, a 600 W HPS and some other misc. stuff. When all said and done should be around 2200W in a 6*5' room .



Well-Known Member
Time for an update. Plants looked a little over-fertilized so I flushed and added just a tiny bit of G.H. Gro nutes two days ago...they seem to be doing better so if they keep recovering like this I will throw in some more G.H. Gro and maybe a tiny bit of micronutes in a day or so. Replaced two underperforming clones with taller, better established ones, which seem to be acclimating to their new environment quite well. Most clones have roots down through the bottom of the net pots, a few even have long taproots extending into the water! Also been running around town getting supplies ready for the flowering room...should be up in less than a week. Picked up lumber, a 600 W HPS and some other misc. stuff. When all said and done should be around 2200W in a 6*5' room .
Hey man...nice strains you have going there...i'd like to see a GC grow!!! Anyways, I'm new to Bubbleponics too, but I have read a lot of sh*t in here in these threads...I woulda never been able to do any of the stuff I'm doing now without the help from people in here.

Here's a good link to GH flora series nutrient schedule

I'm following the GH flora series nute schedule...its a great line up and I like that they are Ph buffered and in combination will sustain a nice pH of about 6.2

I've also added floralicious plus and hygrozyme to my schedule too...

Your clones are rooting very quickly too btw...Well done...


Active Member
Hey man...nice strains you have going there...i'd like to see a GC grow!!! Anyways, I'm new to Bubbleponics too, but I have read a lot of sh*t in here in these threads...I woulda never been able to do any of the stuff I'm doing now without the help from people in here.

Here's a good link to GH flora series nutrient schedule

I'm following the GH flora series nute schedule...its a great line up and I like that they are Ph buffered and in combination will sustain a nice pH of about 6.2

I've also added floralicious plus and hygrozyme to my schedule too...

Your clones are rooting very quickly too btw...Well done...

Thanks man...this is my first grow, but not a solo project so I have had some help. These forums are a great resource, and where I got the idea to build my own system...if you ask me its a lot more fun, and easier than going out and spending 300+ for a similar system...anybody with a little bit of time can probably throw something similar together....