DIY Biostimulant version 2.0


Well-Known Member
I removed the Louisianna Hot Sauce and kept the water - Garlic Powder solution ,
Makes sense ; Google says the Biostimulant being tested with by farmers is Aqueous Garlic in which they chop up Raw Garlic and do some other things and filter it .

I only have the means of mixing Garlic powder with water , stir it up and let the eccess sink to the bottom of the glass .
Wait for an hour for the solution to seperate and dip a wad of tissue in the top of the glass where to lightest substance floats to the top .

Version 1.0 also had a bit of Louisianna Hot Sauce in the mix with the Garlic Powder and Water .

Version 2.0 removes the Louisianna Hot Sauce because that is what Google said was that it is Garlic Aqueous Solution that is used as a Biostimulant .

After testing the 2.0 version with just Garlic Powder and Water ; the plant responds quicker ( The next set of leaves growing quicker at the top shoot and leaves growing fatter and longer in a quick period of time .) . Just mix the two ingredients and wait for a while for the Garlic Powder and Water to seperate after being stirred .

Make sure not to apply the eccess that sinks to the bottom .

I am hoping the almost clear liquid that floats to the top has the water soluble part of the Garlic Powder which hopefully are the Vitamin B's and Vitamin C and the Amino Acids and Ennzymes . At any rate version 2.0 is working better than the version 1.0 ( which had some Louisianna Hot Sauce in it ) ,

In a few days I will show some PIX including my newly sprouted Habenero Peppers which are responding to the simpler version 2.0 with just Garlic Powder and water .

You can wipe the leaves gently if you do not want any solution to fall into the soil and into the roots . I just squeeze the drenched wad of tissue and squeeze it on all of the leaves and let the eccess fall off of the leaves into the soil and thus the roots . No harm if solution is not too concentrated . If you put too much Garlic Powder into the water to mix , then the too strong Garlic Water Solution will burn the roots . You can always water the roots before applying the Garlic Water ; which will protect the roots from getting burned by the Garlic Water ,

This is also my Version 2.0 for my Toothache Remedy ; Garlic Powder Plus Water , stirred , let settle , put some in you mouth and the pain stops almost instantly , Hopefully we are beggining to understand that we are moving into an era of where we understand that we are just beginning to understand how life forms heal and stay healty . Resetting to a new beginning of understanding .

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when you said DIY biostimulant I thought you were going to tell us how to produce quality "human castings."