DIY aerocloner, struggling!


New Member
I'm new here, this is my first post. I've been at this for months taking dozens of cuts trying to find a way to make this work.
I'm using a thoroughly cleaned, well-known build from youtube, using a well-known SOP that has proven to have success with all other parameters where they should be.
My temps, humidity, ph, nutrient strength, timing, hormones, water, are all where they should be based off of dozens of reports that all had great sucsess.
The only thing I can seem to do is grow roots inside the foam collar the cuts are situated in. My only thought was that a 400 gph pump is perhaps too strong
and suffocating the segmented stem. Please, if anyone could help, I'm really driving myself insane trying to get this right.unnamed (2).jpgunnamed.jpgunnamed (1).jpg


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