Well-Known Member
I think they are 2 1/2" net pots.Question. What size net pots do you use?
I think they are 2 1/2" net pots.Question. What size net pots do you use?
Make sure everything is secure!
Yes, you're missing me doing things my way.I dont understand. Why would you make 2 holes for the air hose? if u need to hook up an external air pump, wouldnt you just make 1 hole at the top and feed the hose from the pump into the res into the air stone? Why take the risk of making a hole below water level and it leaking? Am i missing something?
Looking at your grow journal, yes, you could easily do this. I start all my seeds in soil anyhow.I wonder if I could do this with my seedlings?
I wish I would have planned for my grow better. It is sounding like hydro is the way to go....sounds much easier and faster than soil. Thanks for the setup tutorial!!
No need for the PM... just ask hereDiggity- I found a 5 gallon rubbermaid knockoff today. It fits perfectly in my grow box, and it is only 9" tall! It even had holes already near the top, so I didn't make a hole for my air stone like you did....I just put the tubing through the top and ran it down to the airstone. I'm only going to grow 2 plants in it, in 3.75" net pots. Thanks for the guidance on this project. Do you mind if I shoot you a PM with a question or two if I have to? Thanks!