DIY - 16in Stand Fan Convert to Wall FAN :))


Well-Known Member
So i took this....DSCN0877.jpg

and make one of these.....DSCN0884.jpg

All i did was take a Flag stand for the gutter of a house..
and cut the middle support brace

than i used a the tube from the stand... DSCN0878.jpg

than fastened it with a Hose clamp DSCN0882.jpg

Now i have a fan in my flowering room with no taken up floor space.... FOR FREE!!
I used just some stuff around my house im sure people can improve on this or have already posted something like this.. I was bored and should start flowering in about a week or two so i did this!!!



Active Member
Tin Foil creates hot spots you should be aware of this a better alternative is white paint. there is a certain brand that is better then others but im sure if oyu care enough to paint the walls white and take down the tinfoil you will not mind looking that up. If not good luck with your grow =]


Well-Known Member
First of all lol, its not tin foil. Its Mylar i have done a ton of research on how to grow that past couple of months.

The walls are painted white underneath the mylar but i think im safe with it.