Divide a room


Well-Known Member
i sleep in one half of my room and i need to grow on the other.
i tried hanging tarps and that works pretty well but does not keep all the light out. and my dog peed on my tarps so i really dont wanna use them this time around. but anyways i was thinking the best way to do this was to build a plywood wall somehow, but i dont know how easy it will be to get it up in my room and make it go from floor to roof.

anyone have any good ideas on how to keep light out of one section of a room?
make a 2x4 wall partition. you are in going to create a wall there. couple of lag screws and some 2x4's and plywood and bingo, you got yourself a wall.
what is a 2x4 wall partition?
i don't know how i will fit the plywood into my room through the doorways and staircases... it in reality needs to be like 2 walls, like a half cubicle.
i just dunno how i'll get the plywood to fit perfectly
measure the space and have the guys at the lumber store cut it so it will be easy to get up the stairs and assemble easy also they cut wood all the time so u dont have to.
measure the space and have the guys at the lumber store cut it so it will be easy to get up the stairs and assemble easy also they cut wood all the time so u dont have to.

i was leaning in this direction...
i guess if i take the measurements and just go to the store and say "yo i wanna build a plywood wall" they would know whats best. i just hate assembly i wish i could buy some sort of fold up walls :[
there is this plastic sheet stuff called panda plastic or something it is white on one side and black on the other and completly light proof. thats what im using anyway seems to be workin well