Ditch Weed - Will it Pollenate My Indoor Plants?


Well-Known Member
So I have a pretty straight forward question. I got my grow cabs in my room, and it's been really nice out lately and havn't been running the a/c. I've been wanting to open my window but didn't know if the ditch weed around here would pollenate my plants through my window. They aren't around my house or anywhere immediately close, it's just I've heard that male pollen can travel for miles, traveling with the wind, and pollenating plants very long distances away.

Anyone want to charm in on this? I didn't really feel like this was something to put under the growing section of the forum, but maybe it is. I always overthink things when I'm tokin up.

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Its true. Although very unlikely, heavy winds can carry it. You also have to catch it at a good time, and I feel like its a little late in the season to have male pollen in the area. I cannot confirm this because I don't grow outdoors.


Well-Known Member
my plants get all kinds of outdoor air exposure.
as im sure everyones does :-P
never an issue here.