Dismal intercourse

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Immunization is part of health care, dumbass.

I don't even know what that means. Put the crack pipe down and speak English.

And the reason that happens, dumbass, is the GOP backed policy of "let big business do whatever the hell it wants". The Obama administration tried to improve school lunches and make them more nutritious and you fucking knuckle dragging apes gave them 9 kinds of shit over it for "telling you what to eat".

Fact is, you and people like you sit on your ass, never exercise, eat nothing but junk food and then wonder why you drop dead of heart attacks at age 60 - but the second anybody tries to get you to improve your eating habits, you cry "GET OUT OF MY LIFE" and "BIG GOVERNMENT SUCKS" and all your other typical bullshit.

It's YOU who are the problem, pal. It's YOU who let that happen.

Wrong, idiot.

You don't even know what equity is as you have none and never will.

Hang on a second here...

You're pissed off because you're a fucking deadbeat loser, never went to college, don't have a job and can't afford solar panels or an efficient car? Well, asshat, that's YOUR problem. Aren't you GOP'ers the ones that say "Get a fucking job"?

And I'll bet good money you spent more on your fucking TV than you did your entire wardrobe, home, car, and everything else you own. Because you're a fucking moron.

What the fuck does that even mean?

See? You're so fucking stupid and uneducated you can't even use basic, simple English to make a fucking point.

It's you and idiots like you that are the problem.

Wow, you need to hire Berlitz. I'm not even going to even respond to the rest, of that nonsense, besides your silly criticism of my English, which is actually a comprehension issue on your part.

To shove in your face- "
That is a literal description of how the expression is used figuratively. It means that someone has made something very, very obvious. It also implies that the thing is something that you find unpleasant or would rather not acknowledge.

“I know my next door neighbor is rich, but do they really have to buy a new car every month? It’s just shoving it in my face how poor I am.”

Your command of the English language is lacking, brony.

Go back to language classes, comrad.

Really? Only about 8% itemize and benefit from a tax deduction. Way to go for saying screw 92% of the population who can't capitalize on a Tesla car purchase.

Democrats do the same thing, pal, and are just as greedy supporting corporations and the corporate industrial prision complex. The only difference is Democrats are better liars and foolings suckers they aren't.
“Democrats are better liars.” You’re unbelievably fucking stupid. Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes? Get the fuck out of here, you invalid.

Your GOP just passed a tax bill that cuts taxes for the wealthy (who can afford to pay their dues) and shits on the middle and poor class. You don’t know the first thing about what you’re speaking. Your argument was Democrats want your money, but it’s the GOP concerned with big business. Furthermore, the Democrats added legalization to their platform, so they are actually trying to undo the effects of the racist Drug War.
I got nothing to hide unlike your nepotism. Look at my profile. Why you such a scared little child and lock yours down?
Nepotist?! Trump inherited all he had from his KKK leader and gangster father. His name is the most important thing in the world to him, and his kids will inherit what he has. You’re so biased, it’s nonsensical.
Why DO Muslims get all angry and just go off and drive their white vans into crowds of happy people?
“Equity pay for equity work?” Pretty sure he used that wrong.

"The goal of equality is to make sure that everyone has the same things to be successful. It is similar to equity in that it is seeking fairness for everyone, but it assumes that everyone starts equally as well."

"Equity is trying to understand where people are coming from and give them what they need to be successful."

Like what RobRoy says, you assume some pigs are more equal than others.

That's very bigoted. I'm all for equality but also realize equity is wrong. Your version of diversity is really screwed up.

My definition of diversity is accepting others for who they are, not to make everyone a member of an ant colony who are all the same and will take one for the team so the other ants can crawl over you dead body to get over obstacles. Humans are supposed to be better than that.

"The goal of equality is to make sure that everyone has the same things to be successful. It is similar to equity in that it is seeking fairness for everyone, but it assumes that everyone starts equally as well."

"Equity is trying to understand where people are coming from and give them what they need to be successful."

Like what RobRoy says, you assume some pigs are more equal than others.

That's very bigoted. I'm all for equality but also realize equity is wrong. Your version of diversity is really screwed up.

My definition of diversity is accepting others for they are, not to make everyone a member of an ant colony who are all the same and will take one for the team so the other ants can crawl over you dead body to get over obstacles. Humans are supposed to be better than that.

Equity is a noun, not an adjective, was my point.
For the same reason Neo Nazis do, I imagine. Ignorance. But it’s not Muslims. It’s specific people and terrorist groups. Overgeneralization betrays stupidity.

Then why do libtards make such claims against white people and other even stupider libtards cheer at those remarks? Seems like a double standard.
I'm actually working on that but such an answer is worth a lot of money. You think I'm giving that away for free? I'll answer any question you have on Buddhism, though.
You clearly don’t know shit about Buddhism. You’re drowning in Maya so much that you see division where there is none and you seek to sow it. You are a child and a fool.