Disinfecting your grow area

Well I started tonight - diluted a quart of 35% peroxide with tap water to around 8% and put half in each of two humidifiers. I ran one for 15 minutes in front of the air intake of the central heating/cooling system - just the fan on - hopefully that will get any spores hiding in the ducting. Then I put them in the grow room, turned them on full blast with a couple of big oscillating fans on to really move it around, and I decided I might just leave them on until they were empty.

I started checking every hour although these aren't big humidifiers so they weren't actually fogging up the room any, but I can say that it only took about 10 seconds inside the room to feel my eyes start to burn, so if that means anything, maybe it's putting a major hurt on those effing fungi as well as any other bugs, lol.

This went on for about 4 hours and the humidifiers had used up about 2/3 of the solution when I figured that was enough for now. No way to tell for sure until I move plants in so I guess time will tell. I'll post back later when or if I have any further problems ;?)
One more note, after multiple exposures, my throat feels a bit sore/raw, not much but noticeable, so maybe not a good idea to breath that stuff in much. I spilled a little of the 8% dilution on my hand and didn't wash it off right away, and it started to sting a bit and left some white specks, so remember that peroxide stronger than the stuff you get at the store can be slightly hazardous to very hazardous depending on the concentration ;?)
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They use hydrogen peroxide, as medical research place when they messing with shit that should not get out of the lab.
they have automatic fogger that blast the area, killing everything. of course the alarms have gonna off and people removed, bio hazard

Not surprisingly, the Dallas hospital where Duncan was kept opted for the hydrogen peroxide treatment as well. To clean a patient's apartment, all biohazard workers need is a PPE—the brightly colored full-body safety suit pictured in so many recent news stories—and the right chemicals. The CDC will ..."

so you see it has it uses.

i like to clean, with a number of products.

good luck with the clean, and happy growing
i use this to spray.i have not used peroxide in it since i run perpetual.might try it next time i pull everything out
Hudson 99598 Fog Electric Atomizer Sprayer,
162 bucks on amazon
i use this to spray.i have not used peroxide in it since i run perpetual.might try it next time i pull everything out
Hudson 99598 Fog Electric Atomizer Sprayer,
162 bucks on amazon

NICE!!! That's more within my price range, I'll have to get me one ;?)

BTW, just a follow-up on the peroxide and its hazards. So I had moved the humidifiers out of the grow room, and since there was a little left, I turned them on so I could fog the area around the room's perimeter, then just left them mostly empty.
So today I went down to clean them up so I could use them upstairs in the nursery because it's been cold and very dry (humidity down to 19%). While emptying them I got some on my hand AGAIN, but for some dumb reason I thought the stuff was probably degraded (because it wasn't in its original container???:dunce:). Anyway a minute later I felt that burning sensation, so I quickly ran some water over my hand for a few seconds and carried on. After setting up one of the humidifiers, I felt my fingers still burning, and when I looked at them, they looked like this:

So yeah, that 8% is potent so if you get that shit on you, be sure to rinse for probably a minute or so - I'm used to that with shit like acids or even bleach, but I guess peroxide too ;?D
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I was just mopping the floor in the grow room thinking man i would like to kill all the spores hiding in this place. So i did a quick google and boom hit your post. Brilliant. I got a clothing vapourizer for wrinkled clothes at a yard sale. Now i know what to use it for. Great idea man! Innovative creative..... One more defence tool in the tool box.
Well I started tonight - diluted a quart of 35% peroxide with tap water to around 8% and put half in each of two humidifiers. I ran one for 15 minutes in front of the air intake of the central heating/cooling system - just the fan on - hopefully that will get any spores hiding in the ducting. Then I put them in the grow room, turned them on full blast with a couple of big oscillating fans on to really move it around, and I decided I might just leave them on until they were empty.

I started checking every hour although these aren't big humidifiers so they weren't actually fogging up the room any, but I can say that it only took about 10 seconds inside the room to feel my eyes start to burn, so if that means anything, maybe it's putting a major hurt on those effing fungi as well as any other bugs, lol.

This went on for about 4 hours and the humidifiers had used up about 2/3 of the solution when I figured that was enough for now. No way to tell for sure until I move plants in so I guess time will tell. I'll post back later when or if I have any further problems ;?)
Very interested to hear long term result. My thing was leaf spot. Will you let us know if it had an impact. Even if it worked a bit its worht it.