discrete urban/apt grow tips?


Well-Known Member
My advice from moderate experience. Strike one, roomates knowing...trust no one. If you are serious, Id really get my own place and be a hermit. Onward. Make three primary investments. One, a small tent. A contained envirornment is everything, or you'll spend too much cash on a make shift one. Gorilla Lite Line is a good tent suggestion 2X2.5. Two, a good light like 150-250 watt HPS/MH. I prefer LED for peace of mind, but properly cooled, hung, and ballasts mounted, an HPS/MH will give you better yields. Third and MOST important a 4" fan and carbon scrubber combo. You will find a plant alone will stink, two for sure. Low odor strains....blue mystic, cinderella 99, northern lights are LOW odor but dont be fooled, herb smells like herb....during that nice long 8-10 week flowering period! No way around a good carbon filter. Besides it will keep your heat down, fresh air coming in, and odorless air going out.
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Well-Known Member
Just remember that once those lights go on, you pretty much rule out the idea of getting yourself a little ladyfriend into bed.
Hell now. Lol. He better toss that tent in the closet crank the air conditioner so the plants stay cool and bring her in and go to work. Lol. But if that doesn't work use the living room couch. Lol. Tell her you wanna try something different.


Active Member
What is this dribble, fear of God bullshit you are passing as advice?
Oh it sounds perfectly easy. "In a particulary heavily patrolled college town" what could possibly go wrong?

"Roommates are totally cool" and we know they always stay that way.

I'm not sure why he just doesn't start a plantation with "a 900sqft apt approx with a 10x10ft room with a 1.5x5ft closet." I guess the only thing stopping him is "i need to keep odor contained to my room only", and with enough reading of RIU that should be easy peezy.

This is the time the young man is suppose to be getting an education. Simple possession won't ruin his life (he doesn't live in Texas), but cultivation could put a crimp in his life choices for a long time. There will be plenty of time to grow marijuana, he is lucky enough to be able to pursue an education, take care of that and he can pay people to grow weed for him, if he wants.

Growing pot is a four month process. Add that stress with the stress of pursuing grades, and he'll be needing more than pot. Part of growing up is to act appropriate, and at this time it just might not be the right time to be growing grass.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
I think it really comes down to the persons situation, I was mature in college. If he just wants some wacky dope to play video games on, then you are probably right. I think of cannabis as a medicine in my case, but I realize some people are just having fun. The only deal breaker here so far for me is the roommates knowing. Not scared of 'patrolled town' bs.

OP - StellerKeller is right in one aspect, in that your education is first priority, and you can probably wait to grow and live.
I put it on the back burner for 5 years once I had actually decided to grow.


Well-Known Member
I worked at a apartment complex and was a pesky mantinance man. We never entered an apartment unscheduled unless there was a reason.....water leak , fire , that kind of thing. My recommendation to you would be DON'T DO IT......your neighbors would be the people to worry about not the maintenance staff. You wouldn't believe some of the shit I heard from other Tennant's about there neighbors mofo's are nosey .If you do decide to go thru with it just be aware of your rites as a Tennant at your complex and be careful . My worry would be controlling odor .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hell now. Lol. He better toss that tent in the closet crank the air conditioner so the plants stay cool and bring her in and go to work. Lol. But if that doesn't work use the living room couch. Lol. Tell her you wanna try something different.
Flat mates can watch and everything. Women like kink right?


Active Member
The only deal breaker here so far for me is the roommates knowing. .
The last time let anyone know I grew pot was my best friend. At the time. He told me about some serious shit. And he told me if I said anything, he would rat me out about my grow.

Man, I went home and ripped those plants out and threw them in the trash. I was not going to grow pot to have someone have something over me.

Even today, even though I am legally allowed to grow what I grow, I tell no one.


Active Member
dude the smell alone as others have stated will be your challenge. OMG i hAve a plant going right now that smells like a trash can full of rotting fruit If i were you I'd look into getting a card so you can grow it legally :)
you are in Michigan right?

growing is like fight club
first 2 rules are don't talk about it :)