discovery channel


Well-Known Member
I just watched a guy fist an elephant in the ass to get him to ejaculate 12 ounces of semen. i mean he was shoulder deep in elephant butt, right now he has his entire arm in a females vagina and she is crapping on his back while he is doing it, talk about nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just watched a guy fist an elephant in the ass to get him to ejaculate 12 ounces of semen. i mean he was shoulder deep in elephant butt, right now he has his entire arm in a females vagina and she is crapping on his back while he is doing it, talk about nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is any of that really necessary? :confused::confused: won't they do it on their own if left alone?
I just watched a guy fist an elephant in the ass to get him to ejaculate 12 ounces of semen. i mean he was shoulder deep in elephant butt, right now he has his entire arm in a females vagina and she is crapping on his back while he is doing it, talk about nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like that "Dirty jobs" program with Mike Rowe, he does some crappy (pardon the pun) stuff on there.
That elephant guy i mentioned, he is an elephant and rhino, "reproductive specialliest" so he basicly stimulates elephant prostate orgasms all day every day and then flies to other parts of the country with like 3 gallons of jizz in a big container between his legs to artificially inseminate another animal, how do you deside to fist rhino ass for a living? he musta been raped as a child.

mike rowe is my idol, he is soooo damn cool, he narrarates how stuff works, west coast choppers, deadliest catch, and of course dirty jobs, not to mention his awsome ford commercials.

bear grills is freaking awsome, he really knows his shit, as an outdoor survivulist enthusiest myself, i can tell ya he really does it, that dumb fuck american guy though is full of shit, completely uselless and most likely staged. he never has a set plan, sometimes he will just sit in one spot for a week, then be like well, this sucks im going to escape, end of show, like what the hell, why didn't you just do that on day one???not to mention trying to catch a catfish with a shoelace and a peice of bubblegum, or the 2 log raft he tried to make that fell apart.

bear goes downhill, finds a river, follows it downstream, and finds a road, he is out in 7 days or less EVERYTIME.

as you can see discovery channel is the only channel i watch, except for the futerama, family guy linup at

Does anyone els think that cash cab show is the dumbest excuse for a "discovery" show they have? i mean what does that have to do with discovery, fucking retarded is what it is.
The man vs wild guy is bullshit, he has a camera crew with him, Les Stroud from Suvivorman is completely alone for a week and films everything himself
the camera crew never helps him, he is good about that, but the dumbass american, "claims" to be all alone, only they show him running down a hill, one camera directly in front of him, and then cut to side shots of him running down, and low and behold, NO camera in front!!! not to mention there is no way that dumbass goes half way down the quarter mile hill, plants a camera for a side view, climbs back up, runs down for that shot, then climbs back up, retrieves the camera, and runs down again with it in front, i have seen this sooooo many times in every one of his crap episodes, they are so obvious and corny you can't help but notice there is no way he films it all himself, like when he walks around 3 different lakes trying to escape by a road that he already knows about because he looked at maps(admittedly!!!) but every time there is a shot of him walking around the entire side of the lake from the other side, as if he sets a camera down, walkes around the lake for a shot, then goes back and gets it, it's obvious that he could only carry 2 or 3 small cameras with him so these shots are also impossible unless it's staged, his figure 4 traps are pathetic, as well as his snares, there is no way in hell they would catch anything with them, but somehow he always manages to catch something "magicly"
don't even get me started on the time he found maa huaang and made ephedrine tea, how is increasing your metabolism and caaawing like a crow going to help anything??? the faster your metabolism runs in a survivul situation, the faster you starve, simple logic, he is a dumbass.
he sucks balls, i bet he would die in my swamp in a few hours, well he would if i was there, dumb retard would never see me coming, and bam! crushed laringx, and a kabar deflating the right lung, no sound whatsoever, then a deep hole dug in the swamp, he would rot to nothing in a few months/...
He does film it all himself, on the DVD with extra features it shows how much he walked for the arctic episode, planting cameras like a half mile away. The other is more informative than Les stroud, but part of the appeal of survivorman is that it has some drama as well, in man vs wild he always a camera crew to help him if anything goes really wrong, les stroud has a gps transceiver but if he gets bit by a snake or something he's fucked.