DirtyNerds Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
That girl is huge bro and you don't do a lot of defoil so lights out is what cause it I bet on it. All that leaf matter touching each other and sweating made that humidity rise. Plants that big need massive air flow or you have to defoil a lot of the leaves. I think if you would've scrogged her you wouldn't have had that problem as you defoil everything that doesn't reach the screen. I'm dying to see the Blue Dram run prolly won't be as big as the beasts but should fill that tent up with so,e major frosty buds and still harvest well. Train and fill that tent up with straight tops of buds :)
That's it my bro yeah I don't like to defoil but your right there is a lot of bud on bud Acton going on I did some defoil yesterday and once lights on I'll do it again to keep that air flowing plus I tie more buds up to stop them from laying on one another before I left I noticed they started getting top heavy and started to lay down but I didn't have time to hang 50 tops up so I just left it growers fault there but live and learn I'll know for next time when growing a monster


Well-Known Member
(Breaking news) executive decision the beast is coming down with in days noticed the start of rot on a couple of the big colas only the leaf i opened up the bud and its still fine on the inside for now but i am not going to risk losing so much by letting it go on longer i would prefer to have some smoke then a lot of rutting compost :) most likely be tomorrow so that will be day 47 i think... sad to not let her finish 100% good thing is trichomes are cloudy as its meant to be a 50-55 day strain so only a few days less anyway ill get some bud shots up when it's done :) out with the old and in with the new :) its a huge plant just moving it around today i knew it was big but shit i still think ill pull a pound easy some of the side colas are huge laying down at the back that i couldn't see anyway bud pics to come all the best brothers & sisters till tomorrow :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
that big bang Main line i did with the 600 was 8 colas and yielded 11+ oz so i would say a 16 should do it easy 36 if your going to take up the whole space you will do it easy with a 1000w how many plants are you going to put under the light.... ?
two mate, transplant the fem bagseed into 20ltr, might leave IB at 16 mainline i don't really want to top or bend her anymore just let her go skyward and get fat stems


Well-Known Member
Never gonna run Black Russian again?
Prolly not like a beast like that lol and if so need major defoil big plants can't have all that leaf like that unless they're outside. If your gonna have it like that inside gotta have massive air flow. With my big Blue Dream beast I did I had to do the same thing. It broke my heart to keep taking leaves off her but I'm glad I did. I just made sure it wasn't a ton overlapping each other big huge buds wasn't laying on each other. It was a scrog so much different than Nerds. If Nerd scrogged prolly wouldn't have had that problem as buds would've been opened up more and not on top of each other. Plus scrog makes you remove a lot of leaf so the humidity won't rise when lights go off


Well-Known Member
Prolly not like a beast like that lol and if so need major defoil big plants can't have all that leaf like that unless they're outside. If your gonna have it like that inside gotta have massive air flow. With my big Blue Dream beast I did I had to do the same thing. It broke my heart to keep taking leaves off her but I'm glad I did. I just made sure it wasn't a ton overlapping each other big huge buds wasn't laying on each other. It was a scrog so much different than Nerds. If Nerd scrogged prolly wouldn't have had that problem as buds would've been opened up more and not on top of each other. Plus scrog makes you remove a lot of leaf so the humidity won't rise when lights go off
Yeah, I like the idea of SCROG, you think it would go well with two 1000ws? After I get going I'll probably start fucking around with different set ups.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I like the idea of SCROG, you think it would go well with two 1000ws? After I get going I'll probably start fucking around with different set ups.
Scrog is great but once that net goes down that's it no moving the plants and depending on the setup may be hard getting to back to water them or with DWC hard to change water out. Scrog is great especially if you have height problems but if you don't its still great as it can up yields very good. You have to train right tho or it really wont be a scrog just towers of bud being supported by net/string whatever your using. I may dedicate section of tent to scrog if I can upgrade the setup like I want


Well-Known Member
Hey dirty.. u use silica..? I havent had a pro lem woth pm or budrot sinve i started usingsilica in my feedings.. i use it all the up to week 4.5. Just my 2 centa
Great info bro there. I need to get some organic silica as I don't want to kill my microbes with synthetic even tho the amount I would use prolly wouldn't hurt much I just wanna keep my organics organic. When I run my hydro tho they get plenty of Silica. I wonder if the silica from GH is organic?


Well-Known Member
Thats what i run. Its called armor si. What i do is i only use it in between tea feedings. So like that whateva hord i kill . I repopulate with the following tea.. u seen my results.. they love it