Dirtycurty'420's 400watt Indoor Sun: Bubblelicous, Purple Kush, Aroma, and Bgsd


Well-Known Member
As clones go, cloning powder (or gel) is all you need, and maybe a little superthrive, since it's not really expensive, and 1 bottle will last u just about forever and it def helps in the rooting process.

And yeah, the only way i'm taking pollen and making some seeds of a new strain is if my purp plant (which looks to be a good deal Indica, but def some sativa in there since it's a very bright green as compared to my 100% Indica girls.
But once I cross The Purp & Master Kush, I was gonna take that hybrid family (once stabilized) and cross it with some Pineapple Express.
I have a NEWFOUND LOVE for Pineapple Express, the smell, the taste, the high...Its awesome, my guys been on deck with it for a few weeks now and i've been clogging my lungs with resin ever since. Which makes me SERIOUSLY consider gettin my hands on some beans and growing a few males of that plant myself. Or possibly track down some female PE clones and just pollinate her with pollen from my new Master Purp strain.

I'm thinking of calling it "Klingon" cause it'll fuck you up if you don't show it the proper respect. ;-) But i'm obviously wayyyy ahead of myself. It's all in the imagination & planning phase now. But believe me, when it happens, I might just send a few beans to trusted members/friends made on this site, since it'll be at least a couple years before all the strains are crossed and stable.


Active Member
thats what im talkin about it starts as an idea and before you know it bam hello you know what im sayin i have some PE but its feminized and im not sure about pollenatin a branch cause if i did wouldnt it go hermie? anyways its something i want to read up on a whole lot more and get it down i want to make some beans and like you send some out to a few trusted friend that have been made on this site...cause a couple of you dudes are life savers you know in a jam with the plants come to RIU and check out some threads someone will give you adive on what works and what doesnt....

i want to get some cali connectg seeds(chem valley kush, tahoe og kush, deadhead og, and blackwater) and cross them with some of the emerald triangle seeds(lost coast og and cherry thai og) as you can see im a fan of my kush especially the og kush speaking of which thank you attitude got my shipment in today much love to them......

i ordered

Order Summary:ProductProduct CodeQuantityPrice


Active Member
ok since its being difficult its making me work lol

kings kush fem greenhouse seed co
super bud fem greenhouse seed co
el aquamista(northern lights x ak-47) fem samsara

ufo freebies all from dinafem
blue widow fem
blue hash fem
critical + fem

attitutde birthday giveaway

kushage fem
sage fem
heavy duty fruity 2 reg
darkstar 2 reg
g13 white russian auto


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous. Can't afford to order seeds right now, but personally, I wouldn't order Fem seeds. The way they make fem seeds is essentially making the plant hermie, and pollinate itself, thereby producing female seeds. So the fem seeds have a bad habit of turning hermie as well.
I would buy reg seeds over fem seeds anyday. Besides, if if/when your interested in breeding, you need GOOD STRONG males to pollinate your females.

Btw, you were talking about...

i have some PE but its feminized and im not sure about pollenatin a branch cause if i did wouldnt it go hermie?
No, actually, when growers WANT a couple seeds from their plant, but don't want a plant FILLED with seeds (who needs 1000, ya know?), they will simply take EXTREME care, to pollinate 1, and only 1 flower (maybe 2, just to be sure) and get maybe 10-15 seeds. But for someone who knows what they're doing, 10-15 is more then enough. You sprout them all, pick the hardiest, and mate them together, take those seeds, and do it again, and again. And you have a stabilized new strain. Provided it hasn't already been made somewhere...but you get the idea.

To my knowledge, pollinating 1 or 2 flowers won't cause a hermie effect at all, just the effect that you wanted by doing it. 2-3 buds with seeds in them.
If you DO decide to cross that PE, lemme know, i'd love to see how it comes out.


Active Member
trade a couple beans take some heavy duty fruity pollen and pollenate the pineapple express heavy duty pineapple or somethign liek that


Well-Known Member
Lol, i'd GLADLY accept, and grow to term. I'll let you know how they work, although it will be an F1 cross, I suppose we could both grow a number of the F1 seeds and then exchange pollen, or the F2 seeds, the idea would be that were refining the genetics with each successive crop we harvest.


Active Member
yea and when i do decide to cross something they both have to have high potency for me i dont want to lose out on that....i think i could def do that to the heavy duty fruity and the pineapple express i jsut read something about you can polenate feminized seeds and still end up with normal seeds which you can than stablize your soon to be strain


Active Member
What happens when feminized plants get polinated?
What would happen if a feminized plant was fertilized by a male plant or if a feminized plant fertilized itself with female pollen?
A feminized plant is a plant grown from a seed resulting from pollen from a female plant. There are several ways to induce a female plant to produce male flowers. The pollen has only female genetics. All the seeds are "feminized".
A plant grown from feminized seed fertilized by a male will produce both male and female plants. If the feminized plant was induced to produce male flowers and then pollinated itself or another plant the pollen would contain only female genetics so the seeds would be feminized.
One problem that may occur over generations of feminizing plants is that you may be inadvertently selecting for hermaphroditism. When plants are induced to produce male flowers, the ones that are most likely to respond to the process, whether chemical, hormonal, light or age techniques are used, are the plants with the most tendency to hermaphroditism. Each time you use a feminizing technique you are inadvertently selecting for hermaphroditism. Each generation increases the chances of producing hermaphrodite plants.
Feminizing is best used to produce the final generation of plants, those that are to be planted for bud. These can also be used as part of an elaborate breeding strategy using both feminized and non-feminized plants.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats about right...you really wanna use male pollen WHENEVER possible, and if your gonna feminize the strain, do it on the last breeding cycle of your stabilized genes. But if you start with fem seeds, and breed with male pollen, you end up with normal seeds, so if you start with fem it's really not a big deal.
Lemme know, I'd be happy to accept some if your offering.


Active Member
IMG00283-20110410-0925.jpgpk still no sign of sex
IMG00288-20110410-0926.jpgbubblelicous side shot
IMG00284-20110410-0925.jpgthis is the topped bubblelicous still no sign of sex
IMG00291-20110410-0927.jpggroup shot of everyone
IMG00287-20110410-0926.jpgi think this is purple kush lol not sure
IMG00289-20110410-0926.jpgtop shot of bubblelicous
IMG00290-20110410-0927.jpgside shot of bagseed
IMG00285-20110410-0926.jpgtopped purple kush
IMG00286-20110410-0926.jpgtop shot of some bagseed
IMG00299-20110410-0933.jpg Bubblelcious Male
IMG00298-20110410-0933.jpg Bubbleliciopus male going to use this pollen on a couple girls


Active Member
yea yea it worked here is another update for my next grow...this will be a guerrilla grow ppl....im going to have kings kush, bubblelisouc, brazil x kc, prurple kush and early blueberry im goign to try and clone my early blueberry so my first indorr grow after the summer will be straight early blueberry than im breaking into the kush line and pineapple express.........but im getting ahead of myself here is the update folks


Active Member
IMG00292-20110410-0929.jpgso far left is earlyblueberry in a jiffy pellet beside it is the bubblelicous clones
IMG00293-20110410-0930.jpgto the left bubblelcous in the middle white russian auto to the right PK clones
IMG00294-20110410-0930.jpgleft pk clones to the far right just starting to sprout is the kings kush which is og kush and grape ape

IMG00295-20110410-0930.jpgthis monster is the brazil kc looks like 2 plants effin sweet still no sign of sex
IMG00296-20110410-0930.jpgall these are pk


Active Member
hey dajosh yea bro i have 1 male bubblelicous and im collecting the pollen....going to use it with the purple kush, the bagseed i have came from og kush, and other random kick ass indoor lol


Well-Known Member
The little button next to the picture upload button, has a lil earth with a chain on it, it'll pop up a lil prompt, you enter the link and thats it. And to edit your signature, just go to the top of the gave to "My Rollitup" or to "My Profile" and look to the bottom left hand side to edit signature.

Have fun with it, AND, check out my update in my grow thread. You know how to sub threads right?