Dirty dealers putting glass and/or sillica in weed to gain weight!


Well-Known Member
the local radio station warned local marijuana users to be carefull witch weed they purchase because some " grit weed " they called it , apperently weed that contains fragments of glass and/or sillica witch they use to add weight , and this stuff can cause non cancerous tumours in the lungs!

anyways just found that scary enough to warn others of this EVIL method



Well-Known Member
i was getting alot of the "grit" weed for a long time before i knew what it was. i had a grinder full of this grit that i thought was kief. when i found out i sold the last of my stash, bitched my dealer out, told him to bitch at his dealer too and i threw all of the "kief" all out the window of a moving car.


Well-Known Member
this is why we have to grow our own!
imagine the chain of people it passes through and the majority of whom stamp the granny out of it. greed.


Well-Known Member
This has been happening for awhile, people putting sand in weed, or other things to weigh it down. When I get from a new guy, or that guy gets a different stash, I thoroughly check the first purchase (the others too, but not as through as the first time) to make sure everything looks right. I also weigh it all out to make sure it's all right. I'm also concerned about the pesticides used, the storage of it...I can't imagine the conditions some of this crappier weed is in on its way to me from harvest. Ugh.


...dealers like them dont care about their products...just the income...to avoid this grow your own medicine...


Well-Known Member
Just thinking, can't you use a microwave to test your street bud?

Take a tiny bit, grind it up to a powder, and put that in the microwave. If it burns, then it is just dry weed (or, I guess perhaps sand)...but any metal like lead would spark, and glass beads would keep their shape and be burning hot instead of burnt.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt put bud in the microwave for any reason

i read the way to check for sand silica or glass you rub a bud on the shiny side of a cd you dont care about. if the cd gets all scratched up the bud is contaminated


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt put bud in the microwave for any reason

i read the way to check for sand silica or glass you rub a bud on the shiny side of a cd you dont care about. if the cd gets all scratched up the bud is contaminated
But with lots of brick weed, it's so dry in general that it would normally scratch a CD.


Active Member
shit, my cousin bout a "pound" from a guy he barely new and got burned big time! he brought the brick home and started busting it down. . . IT WAS FULL OF FUCKIN NICKLES!!!! he ended up with a little less than a quarter pound!

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
this is some crazy shit these fckers are doing. i think if i got some of this i would have to take it back and make that sun of a btch eat it


Active Member
So it's finally made it stateside? In UK it's fucking everywhere and is produced by illegal immigrants (mostly Thai) on an industrial scale. It's a health hazard which is about to fill our hospitals with uneducated noobs who don't know any better. So far we've had grit, sand, glass, powder coating pigments, road sign paint, lead dust, iron filings, silicon spray, shot blasting beads and now BRIX PLUS which some cunts are selling in grow shops.

If it looks heavy for it's size, is compacted and has no stickiness either throw it away or make ISO from it if you've bought an oz or more (you MUST use a coffee filter). I don't buy weed as I have grown since '91 but have seen this shit clagging up friends grinders and told them it's been tampered with but mostly they get offended (seriously) as it shows their poor palate and lack of knowledge.
These people selling death should be made to pipe a kilo as punishment.
Grow your own and buy a jewelers loop or a 100x microscope as I'm sure you all know what trichomes look like. Happy growing and fuck off these dishonest greedy cunts!

The government has yet to research what smoking lino floor tiles or similar does for your health.. I wonder why? lmao