Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

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Well-Known Member
i kid of course.... i am SO bad at fashion my daughter learned to NOT let Dad pick her clothes by the time she was two.... it was BAD :p
Totally brother. Don't get me wrong. To each his own. No harm no Foul. lol. Yer daughter sounds like she's gonna be high maintenence. Get that Platinum Card ready !! jk Peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
=GrnMan;1046530]That's what I said, booby traps! Hell yea it does, that's fucken wild.


Damn Data...Just took a sick bongload of the DB Monster Dank!!!! I'm sooooo "ONE EYED WILLY" right now... YOu like that Goonie Smack !!!

"Sloth Love Chunk"


Well-Known Member
i bought her a house, you have NO idea :o

Really ...I'm looking for a Room to Rent>? haha. Good Dad you are!

(sorry for talking like Yoda) lol. :mrgreen:

Time for me to go eat a Carne Asada Burrito con dos tacos de al pastor (working on my Spanish)...See yall real soon.


Well-Known Member

Here's a Pic I took this morning while chilling @ the Oregon Coast....Does it look like the Rock from Goonies ???? This was taken on a 2 megapixel razr camera phone @ 6:30am. Magical Shit...Unlike those sespool beaches in Southern Cali (Santa Monica, Venice, Zuma).

I KNOW THAT ROCK... o brother do I know that rock. for sitting on that rock I sat pondering what the heck is this tide thing all about.. I mean wheres da water come from. and ya know what when I turned to look to the shore. BY GOLLY! I figured it out. went swimming thats day. only to find that when I reached the shore they had a chopper from lincoln city comming for me. dang missed a chopper ride.


Well-Known Member
Man the tlb' is bad ass.... Lmfao!!! A 'goonies' highjack.!!! And i missed it.!!! Crap.! I love that movie...and live real close, to were there filmed it.!!!

Hard core growers going goo~goo ga~ga over goonies. Luv u guys so much... Girls too!.... Lmfao!

I installed an inline exhaust system...(6" vortex "will suck grow rooms and exchange all air in grow spaces, every 5 mins. Cubic foot of grow space is a 2600 cu~f. Space cut in less than half....gro side/blm side...! Couldn't take seeing you all have them soo.,! Me wants one too!, took a day plus to install, and it hurt. :(
this is why ive been off, plus house full of guest again. All gone now and still catching up here... Widow still stands, and body still crap!!!:(

pic's coming of system...as soon as i can work me hands.!!! Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
ooooooooooooo you going to like you're fan.... makes for a World of differance.
and with your widow trees your going to end up cutting a hole up to the attic...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you'll get them claws on the shutter button soon. Can't wait to see the new exhaust set-up and Big White Lady!

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