Dirt? what kind of dirt should i buy


So im going to be growing and is wondering what dirt i should buy since i only really wanna have to monitor the water and lighting till it flowers


Well-Known Member
Dirt is that you have on your pants at the end of the day. You are looking for soil.

I would recommend Happy Frog.


i know its not a big brand style soil, but ive found if your on a real budget then mushroom compost, and soil that is "designed" for growing tomatoes (here we have tomato mix etc...) seems to be pretty decent. i havent had a shot with any fox farm stuff etc though so i cant really comment. however my friends and i have had decent results with mixing the two i mentioned.

Akalo Boy

Active Member
Soil comes in so many different varities. just make sure it holds water and drains well. Also all soil should have benefitial organisms like Mycorrhizae (Mycorrhizal). I use Ocean forest and i add a soil conditioner with mycorrhizal. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Everybody and their mother is gonna swear by something different so you're just gonna have to try and see what works for you. My personal preference is Fox Farm Ocean Forest cut with either Happy Frog or promix. I cut it with either mentioned for added drainage and airation. That should hold you over for a good 3-4 weeks, but you will need to start a nute regiment right around/after that time. So if your not going for monster bushes it could possibly hold you over til flowering.