Dipropyltryptamine - Hoping to meet God


Well-Known Member
Just because the mass amount of high dose reports of DPT show some kind of spiritual event that is mindblowing, I want to replicate this. I have a gram of it.

I got the gram with 100mg of DOC. I know which is which, but I am being extra careful. DOxs are clumpy and sticky, while DPT is a fine powder. I just don't want to accidentally snort 50mg of DOC. That would be immediate hospital status lol. Also you can obviously tell which has more or less and they were labeled properly. Just trying to be careful, so I'll snort 10mg of DPT to start. Might end up IM injecting it, probably actually. After the 10mg bump, I'll do 50mg + 50mg 10 minutes later. If I'm not where I want to be, 50mg IM DPT injection sounds like a good idea..


Well-Known Member
FUCK snorting it. I just read a report of a guy doing it rectally:

Since there is limited information on rectal administration of dipropyltryptamine, I thought I would share my experience. I have read conflicting reports on whether an MAOI is necessary make DPT active. I had tried DPT via insufflation, but the pain and discomfort offset any perceivable benefits. Not having any equipment for an IM injection, I proceeded to mix 75mg of DPT in warm water, which was then put in my bum. My bum being an exit only portal did not seem to reject the DPT. Effects were felt within 10 minutes. I would say that the effects were comparable to 50-70 mg insufflated. Overall it was a pleasurable experience and I'd prefer rectal administration to nasal; however, IM seems to be what would work the best with the hydrochloride salt.
I will be IMing it after the 75-100mg rectal dose.. Let's see how the scale may fall :O
Snorting 12mg was way too uncomfortable, can't imagine 50+50. Fuck that.


Well-Known Member
i've snorted it before, it's a hard nosed psychadelic, get ready dude

edit: yeah it fuckin burns i did like a 75 mg rail i think


Well-Known Member
Do you really want to bypass all of your body's defenses with a relatively unknown chemical? Is is highly water soluable? How is it metabolized? I don't know dude, IM is just short of IV. I am not needle shy but I really like to know the purity and type of substances when I bypass the skin like that.


Well-Known Member
Do you really want to bypass all of your body's defenses with a relatively unknown chemical? Is is highly water soluable? How is it metabolized? I don't know dude, IM is just short of IV. I am not needle shy but I really like to know the purity and type of substances when I bypass the skin like that.

Note: These dosages should not be used as a guide for administrating the drug as individual gene polymorphism can cause great variance in effects from the same dose from one person to the next.
Smoked: When smoked, the effects of DPT have an onset in minutes and a duration of less than one hour. Dosage ranges from 30-100 mg.
Insufflation: Average onset for insufflation of DPT is five to fifteen minutes, and typical dosage ranges from 45–225 mg.
Intramuscular: When injected into the muscle, onset ranges from one minute to fifteen minutes. Typical dosage ranges from 20–110 mg.
Intravenous: When injected intravenously, onset ranges from five to fifteen seconds. Typical dosage ranges from 10–75 mg.
Oral Ingestion: DPT is metabolized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase. While DPT is orally active on its own, the combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) can increase the length and intensity of the experience. Oral dosages of 150 – 250 mg are commonly reported, with an onset of 20–60 minutes (depending on stomach content).[4]
Religious use

DPT is used as a religious sacrament by the Temple of the True Inner Light, a New York City offshoot of the Native American Church. The Temple believes DPT and other entheogens are physical manifestations of God.[5]


Well-Known Member
I snorted 12mg.. I feel something.. wtf.
I was reading 50mg insuffalated can smash a experienced hardcore user, yet some feel 200 snorted is what they need. I feel the latter must smoke up DMT everyday lol


Well-Known Member
I just rectally administered around 70mg of DPT. Let's see where this brings me. Hopefully I am in new territory with psychedelics here. I have down countless hits of lsd, but never DMT or DPT, or even 5-meo-dmt, the master of psychedelic drugs.. Boy, am I in for something... I feel it.. I've been real negative lately.. I feel it kinda dissapating, the negativity. I know it isn't good to do psychedelics when you're feeling negative, but I need the wide range of experiences.. Oh shit.. Hopefully in 5-20 minutes I feel it.. Wait... Am I already feeling a strong tingle? Oh shit..


Well-Known Member
I'm getting these weird intense vibes that I just fucked with someone I shouldn't/should have. I am starting to see visuals. Thank god it doesnt last too long.. lol


Well-Known Member
Should I be reading? On this forum? This shit is going to be intense and I can see how it would be uncomfortable! lol
I am tired, yet idk.. Everything is starting to wave.

I am too high-strung as a person, that's why I'm trying to let go. I hate my intense anxiety in everyday life, it makes me hate myself. But I love myself. I need to melt it away, ALL THESE PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS OF "WHAT WE SHOULD BE" FROM SOCIETY. UGH! LET US FUCKING FALL ON OUR OWN ASSES, WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP, IT ONLY SETS US BACK FARTHER. WE ARE OUR OWN CREATOR AND PROVIDER. YOU JUST DONT LET US ACCESS IT.. WTFF


Well-Known Member
happy tripping hadd. dont worry man, i got this. just remember, mind over matter.
I've already done 200mg rectal. Everything is waving. Most people would have gone so insane, like in another dimension talking to god insane.. TIMMEEE FOR THE IMM SYRINGE NIGGASSS

I need 250mg rectal or IM.. or both.. probably both :D


Well-Known Member
I am all mind over matter!!!! Nothing shall destroy me!!! Why iss my psychedlic tolerance so devastatingly high?!?!?!?!?! Especially tryptamines like shrooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I'm a scientist trying to become mystic It can be fucking hard to convince me of things. I read for years.


Well-Known Member
You would enjoy it tremendously, as I am told by everyone around me. "there's tripping" "then there's tripping with ben"
I can be a encyclopedia sometimes, idk it's weird, when you vibrate it all out into psychedelic frequencies they tend to have spiritual adventures, while I'm sitting there thinking, WTF AM I DOING HERE?! LIke with out me, no way they say.