Diogenes for president


Well-Known Member
diogenes-minded people will save everyone. trust them. this is not a joke. our government has assassinated everyone who thinks a certain way. They have ripped out their brains (lobotomized). we are so fucked. be strong.

they did it to a great grandfather of mine, he was italian 1st generation immigrant. maybe he was nuts, maybe he was sane, wish i knew. only testimony is from my psychopathic grandmother.


Well-Known Member
diogenes minded people will help because they represent true life, not a life filled with "stuff"

"stuff" doesnt make people happy. people make people happy. people become slaves to stuff.

when diogenes saw a kid use his hands to drink water, he got rid of his only possession, a bowl. he was an admirer of socrates. Plato stole the heritage of socrates thoughts. We are still living in a Platonian lie.

weve all heard money is the root of all evil. yeah its true. how about you avoid money, then you stop being evil. its that simple.

people will treat you differently when u dont care about money because they know its a joke. money and stuff is like a big joke that nobody can wake up from. so when they see a truely free person they get ....offended.

what do people do? attempt to make value, by selling other people stuff. its all a big waste of time.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I totally agree. I think after the much needed apocalypse theres going to be a much different way of life. Everyone will work to improve the life of everyone. A whole bunch of small communities where each person has a responsibility to keep the community thriving. There will still be technology but no such thing as money and no such thing as government, there will be no people in power, everyone is equal... But thats not possible with this shit show of a world, theres far too many idiots and conflicts going on, many people need to die to make this possible. The idea of having some kind of utopia with 7 billion people disagreeing with each other is ridiculous. I leave you with this.



Well-Known Member
holy shit i never thought of the implication of native americans not having prisons

they were so cool, they even made a place in their society for transvestites n shit, cuz they knew people are just people, and its NATURAL expression of genetic diversity that shouldn't be abused.

that lame deer quote was one of the coolest things ive ever read