Dinafem Super Silver perpetual SOG (CFLs + soil)


Active Member
So I've decided to start a separate grow journal for the SOG that I am about to get started with, even though it will be flowering alongside the ScrOG that is described in my other journal. I'm using clones of the same plant for this operation, but I expect the SOG to continue in perpetuity, while the ScrOG will likely be a one-time deal.

Here are the basics:

For the time being at least I'll be using clones of Dinafem Super Silver (from a freebie seed from Attitude). Here's a recent pic of Mother, the clone that I'll be using as a mother (creative name for her, right?):


I'll be transplanting her into a shallower-but-wider pot soon (think bonsai pot), something that will take up almost the entire surface area of the mother chamber I made out of a styrofoam cooler, but provide more vertical space for the plant than this pot does:


This strain is notorious for going 100+ days of flowering, so it'll be interesting to see how it does when I do 12/12 from the moment I root the clones.

Growing medium:
Organic potting soil cut with perlite for drainage. Nothing fancy. I'll be using either small flower pots like the one Mother is currently in, or I'll reuse old 32oz yogurt tubs, whichever seems to work out best. I'll try both out pretty early on in the process and then stick with the winner.

For now I'm just mixing some Espoma Plant-tone in with the potting soil, but I'll probably add some bloom nutes when I decide on a good brand.

I will be starting each clone under its own 26w CFL in a standard clamp light reflector. Depending on how big the plants end up getting, I will hang some bare bulbs between plants to provide better light for lower branches.

Flowering box:
My goal is to have a total of 10-12 plants flowering at a time once the SOG is in full operation, and I'll be adding one and harvesting one every 10-12 days. The grow box I'm using has a floor space of about 1.5' x 3.5', with a feasible vertical space of about 3.5' as well. I've built it in my attic, and I'm lining it inside AND outside with mylar, to insulate it as best I can from the likely oven-like conditions in the attic on a hot summer day. The air intake is a tap directly from my central air conditioning ducts, so it gets blasted with cold, dry air when the a/c is running. When the a/c isn't running, my exhaust fan "passively" pulls room temperature air up through the ducts from the ceiling vents in the top floor of my house. I'm going to be adding a second exhaust fan before summer hits full strength, just to be on the safe side.

For the next 80-90 days or so, the SOG will need to share its grow box with this ScrOG, which is the original seedling of the same plant (this photo taken yesterday, day 17 of 12/12, and day 42 from seed):


The ScrOG is taking up about half the grow box floor space, so the SOG will probably start to get pretty cramped during the last few weeks of flowering for the ScrOG.

I think that about covers everything. I will be taking the first clone as soon as Mother is ready to give one -- I'd say about one week from now is a good guess. I'll update this journal at that time!


Active Member
Alright, time for a quick update!

I finally got a temp/humidity sensor for Mother's box, so now I can keep an eye on when it might be time to move her box. Luckily it's quite portable, so I can just carry it to the basement or wherever on really hot days. I'm still working on light-proofing it so that I could put it inside the flowering box if necessary, but that would be a major bitch to have zero light leaks.

And the pics... first, Mother is growing quite nicely, and isn't even stretching too bad considering how far she is from the 42w CFL at the top of her box:

You can probably kinda tell from that photo that I transplanted her into her final grow container, a food storage tub with foil tape on the outside as light shielding:

I also already have one small clone in the flowering box, but she isn't from Mother. When I was training the ScrOG a couple days ago I accidentally broke a branch, so I decided to see if it would root. Still too early to know for sure, but it's looking pretty healthy and is still stretching! Notice the height of the lowest node above the soil over the course of the last 3 days:

I'll probably take Mother's first clone in about 3-4 days and I'll update again at that time.

As always, comments/criticisms/feedback are welcome and encouraged!


Active Member
I'm gonna follow you along on this one too if you don't mind.
Of course I don't mind! The more subscribers I have, the more likely it is that I'll learn from my mistakes!

Just a quick update... I've named the clone from the broken branch Snap, and she's doing pretty well:

Mother's box got pretty hot during the day today, up to 101.6°F, so I moved her into my closet for the time being. That will need to be a temporary solution, but I think I might be able to find somewhere to stick her in the basement, if the attic isn't working out. It doesn't seem like she is too stressed from the heat, but it did slow down her growth a bit, and the bottom leaves yellowed slightly. I gave her a watering today, too.

Still haven't taken Mother's first clone. It's looking like that'll probably be mid-week this week, or this coming weekend at the latest.


Active Member
Hey man just to update you on the whole rooting a clone in 12-12 convo we had on your other journal, I topped my plants on the 23rd, and decided to clone one of the tops. The plants were 12-12 from seed, and the clone also sat under 12 hours of hps lighting in a dome made of two clear cups with holes in them. I used wal-mart rooting powder and jiffy pellets. Today on the 30th, I went in my grow room and roots were shooting out of the pellets everywhere. There were a lot of things that could have been done better about my rooting technique and I still got it to root under 12 hours of light in only one week. Hopefully you see equally fast results with this perpetual grow.


Active Member
Hey man just to update you on the whole rooting a clone in 12-12 convo we had on your other journal, I topped my plants on the 23rd, and decided to clone one of the tops. The plants were 12-12 from seed, and the clone also sat under 12 hours of hps lighting in a dome made of two clear cups with holes in them. I used wal-mart rooting powder and jiffy pellets. Today on the 30th, I went in my grow room and roots were shooting out of the pellets everywhere. There were a lot of things that could have been done better about my rooting technique and I still got it to root under 12 hours of light in only one week. Hopefully you see equally fast results with this perpetual grow.
Sounds promising! Are you planning to keep the clone under 12/12, or put it into a veg chamber?

EDIT: Removed link to other forum because I've flip-flopped and decided to stick around.


Active Member
yeah the clone will stay 12/12 all the way now. if i was gonna veg it separately I would've rooted it in the separate spot also. And I can't say I blame you for moving the journal man. Rollitup is by far my fave site, but it has been having a lot of problems lately. I started to move my journal but I didn't like have the patience to do it. Hopefully RIU just gets their problems fixed and we can all stay here happily.


Active Member
So now that I've decided to stick around, here's a quick update on Mother's situation... I really need to find a way to tap her into the air duct system I'm using for the flowering chamber. The high temperatures each day are regularly reaching and exceeding 100°F, one day getting as high as 101.6! Even the lows aren't that low (around 85-90°F). So, all that heat seems to be stressing her a bit. The tips of the new leaves are slightly discolored and she's losing some lower leaves entirely. Here's a photo from today:

I'll still be taking the clone soon, but I'm a little saddened by her slow growth. I'm thinking the soil might also be a little too hot for this setup. Next time I transplant her (or her replacement), I'll stick to mostly just potting soil. I can always top-dress ferts later.


Active Member
Hows it going? :)
Hey! Thanks for reminding me that I didn't post an update to this journal when I was forced to move recently. You can check my recent posts on my other journal for more details, but basically my landlord has decided to move back into my house at the end of my lease, instead of renewing it. So, I've spent the last few weeks packing and whatnot, and had to dismantle my grow operation until after I get settled in the new place in a few weeks.

I did harvest one SOG clone (the one that was accidentally snapped off the ScrOG during 12/12) recently, and got about a 5g single cola off a plant that was under a single 26w CFL for most of its life, and then a single 42w CFL for the last couple weeks of flowering. Here are a couple pictures of the plant, first one from a few days before harvest, and then a closeup of the dried bud today:

I have to say I'm pretty impressed that I can get 5 grams of fairly dense, good quality bud from just a single CFL. Of course, the key here was waiting until over 20 days of 12/12 before taking the clone, so that it just flowered straight up from the soil (no vegging). Otherwise the plant would have gotten too big for a single CFL, and the bud would have been more popcorny.