DinaFem Diesel Grow


Well-Known Member
from what ive found people hate it or they love it, it has one of the most defining taste outta alotta bud.. kinda strong pine needle taste haha.. how far along are you?
She is 34 day's old and i may veg another month then flower, what you think?
Hey Fatbluntz,

Here's some pics. She's the same age as yours minus one day. Here she is so far :-

day 1-2. Covered the pot for the first 2 days with cling film with holes in for breathers, like a little incubator, worked a treat and gave some initial length to the sprout.


3 autoflower white dwarfs and top left is the Diesel. As you can see I raise the veg humidty with the steam maker but it was splashing so i put a plate over it eventually.


Day 10??? (sorry i didnt document exact days but this is a reasonable guess)


Top left is the diesel, Auto's coming along too and a cheese mother I'm nursing for a mate.


Day 17-18? Getting some height now so think its about time to LST


Next day LST'd to get the side foliage nice n stocky


As you can see, after 1 and 1/2 days in the light the extra mini "top" comes through (bottom left of plant top), this will be one of the tops when fully budded and hopefully won't now be shaded by the top of the plant . . (feeding it every 4-5 days at the moment at 1/2 strength BioGrow)


Some nice foliage coming through now = more bud! since I took the tie down off its corrected itself and soon will do the same to the other side, then hopefully my trunk wont be offset,lool. should go "s" shaped when I'm done.


Day 22-23?? Getting a bit more stocky now, basically screaming out for an 11lt pot and HPS lol, soon baby!!! (feeding just under fullstrength BioGrow now)


Day 25-26


Day 30-32, thought I would LST the other way now to correct main trunk and veg the other sides foliage. looks like a question mark now,lol (also First to admit a mistake, kinda overnuted a bit, went for a full teaspoon of biogrow and its burned a couple fan leaves but have since half flushed with un-nuted PH balanced water so should be absolutey fine, doesnt seem affected apart from a light scorch.


Thats where I'm at so far, I'm gonna give it until the 13th, so 4 days then transfer to 11lt pot and stick in HPS tent under the 400w, should start to stretch nicely then rather than stretching during vegging which i hate. should have LOADS of bush in about 3 weeks!!

Will update as and when I can, I'll just keep taking pics.

Hope you're all good mate.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude those are coming along nicely, Way better than what mine is doing. I fed her last night because of a Nitrogen defiecently and she is coming along nice now. Any tip's would be greatly appreciated!!!
Damn dude those are coming along nicely, Way better than what mine is doing. I fed her last night because of a Nitrogen defiecently and she is coming along nice now. Any tip's would be greatly appreciated!!!
Yeah, Nitrogen efficiency will drop lots if PH levels are above 8 or below 6. If your PH levels are higher than 10 or lower than 4 Nitrogen will be completely locked out and growth will all but stop, as seen in your latest pics. You need to get PH tester (litmus paper) and make sure your levels are SOMEWHERE near normal. If they are too high or too low you can buy PH up and down to adjust it. Magnesium sulfate (epsom bath salts) make the water more alkaline, I dont know what they use to get it more acidic, never had PH problems, always leave my water out for a day. Thats another good tip, get a litre jug, fill with water and leave on side for a day to let the stuff air out of the water, this SHOULD level ur PH somewhat.

Other advice is, keep posting, you don't really post enough and if you did you would get more of a response from people, guaranteed!! If it were my thread I would be posting every other day even though I work aswell etc. It really isn't as simple as feed the plant, give it some light, there's a science and an understanding to nurturing these ladies. For me it's a passion I love everything about it and learn a LOT every single day by asking and getting involved. Some say the bigger your roots the bigger your yield etc etc. I say, the more effort and research you put in the bigger your yield.

Don't give up ok. keep at it! and post more. you'll get into it more then. guarenteed it'll sort you out!!

Take care man.
will post some pics later.


Well-Known Member
I try to post every other day but thing's come up, She's starting to get huge now so i guess the seedling stage is over. Alot of Foliage is growing and i'll get some picture's up asap..i opened it up and it smelled like pot baaad lol
I try to post every other day but thing's come up, She's starting to get huge now so i guess the seedling stage is over. Alot of Foliage is growing and i'll get some picture's up asap..i opened it up and it smelled like pot baaad lol
haha i know yeh, smells nice even at veg stage the diesel. you wait till she starts buddin man! sweeet!

Re-potted mine on the 13th as planned now just waitin for her roots to go "yesssss freedomm" and hoping I get another foot in height atleast. Also gonna start using budding nutes on her next feed, gonna start off around CF 6-8 then build up gradually to CF 12-14 (I use a blue truncheon and dip to find out nutrient solution).

Have not looked at her since re-potting so a bit excited for lights on today as she's now 2 days into her 12-12.

Will get some pics up later.

Looking forward to seeing your ladies recovery pics, she'll be fine man, just needs TLC now.

Hope ur good mate!


Well-Known Member

Here's some updated picture's i just took, Please let me know if you see anything or notice anything that need's to be done?


Well-Known Member
She has some Preflower's showing inbetween the branches and stem..The smell of pot is getting stronger lol I'm excited!!


Well-Known Member
ive grown dinafem diesel 3 runs now. my only comments: it will get so tall, it will be too frosty to look at (lol) and it will be rock hard. vegging my last few for 6 weeks gave me 3 oz a plant from a 600 watt


Well-Known Member
Hey i have new picture's but i can't figure out how to insert images in my message lol i dunno why i'm having trouble with this i never have before!!


Well-Known Member
There's no where to attach picture's in my post, i went to advance like i normally would do but it's no there anymore..just smilies and manage attachments
There's no where to attach picture's in my post, i went to advance like i normally would do but it's no there anymore..just smilies and manage attachments
yeh it wont let me click "manage attachments" either, shame, got some good pics here for ya too,lol, oh well ay, hope its going better now!


Damn I'm really interested to see some pics. I have one plant that I'm not sure what it is....I had one dinafem diesel that i didn't label, and a couple of my plants died, so I'm interested to compare.


Well-Known Member
There's the updated picture's..the top is bigger i didnt have phone for pictures i'll get them up asap, since they finally fixed the reason i couldnt post pics..any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
these will get so tall man i wouldnt top it but id def look into trainig or cropping this bad girl. shes going to feed pretty heavy and drink a bit once you flower. take it to 6 weeks if you can then flip it, i found 8 weeks made them unmanagable and a month just didnt meet my yield needs.


Well-Known Member
today is 50 day's and i'm going to veg for 10 more day's that'll be 2 months and then i'll flower..i just don't know how long to flower?