Dinafem Critical + : 2nd Grow ever, indoor, soil, CFL's


Hi everybody, I am about to start my 2nd grow ever and I've decided on keeping a grow journal this time. Hopefully I can keep it up to date and informative for everyone. I don't mind comments so feel free to post tips or questions about my grow. I am still a newbie to growing and I definitely do not have it figured out completely, but my last grow was fairly successful and I have yet to kill a plant by accident. So, let me tell you what I'm working with.
# of plants: Just 1 this time around. I'm Gonna try and make me a monster :eyesmoke:
Strain: Dinafem Critical + from seed
Grow medium: Soil - I will be using Black Gold organic potting soil throughout the whole grow.
Nutrients: I will be using Jack's Classic nutes for veg and Jack's Bloom nutes for flower.
Water: I'm gonna be using regular tap water. It worked well for me last time but I have moved since then so hopefully it works again this time.
Lighting: I have 6 CFL bulbs that I am going to be using for lighting. Each of them is around 23 Watts. Hopefully that'll be enough. For vegging I will be using 4 of the "whiter" ones and 2 of the "yellow" ones.(Sorry I don't remember the temperatures just the colors.) For flowering I will probably just flip flop and use 4 yellows with 2 whites.
Grow space: I will be growing in a stealth dresser that is about 4' tall X 3' wide

That's all I can think of right now. If I'm missing something let me know.

I'm planning on taking some clones when I can but I'm gonna try to not use rooting hormones. I've heard of some people having success without them so I think I'm gonna give it a shot unless I get my hands on some rooting gel before the time comes. If anyone has any suggestions about this, feel free to let me know :)


Germination: To germinate my seed I used what I think is pretty much the easiest method. I soaked my bean for 12 hours in a shot glass full of water. After the 12 hours I popped it in a jiffy pellet in a cup and put it inside an ice cream bucket (that's my version of a humidity dome) and then put it in a warm dark spot where I can keep an eye on it.
After a day and a half I had a sprout.
Now it has been two and a half days and the baby leaves are about to unfold. I plan on putting it in my box later today as soon as the leaves come up a little more.

I'm hoping to post lots of pictures on this thread but I'm not sure if that'll happen cause my only camera is my cell phone. So... we shall see how that works out for me later.


Well-Known Member
im watching brother. you are going to love the critical +. it has a fav among some of my friends. everyone loves it..

keep in mind, mine did not stretch at all!


Well-Known Member
Critical+ is AMAZING. If you want a monster plant, do yourself a favor and add more blue spectrum "white" 6500k cfs for veg. and more red spectrum 2700k cfls for flower. crit+ repsonds VERY WELL to lst & topping. Also as for the water, make sure to leave it out atleast 24 hours before you water to make sure all the chlorine dissipates. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Critical+ is AMAZING. If you want a monster plant, do yourself a favor and add more blue spectrum "white" 6500k cfs for veg. and more red spectrum 2700k cfls for flower. crit+ repsonds VERY WELL to lst & topping. Also as for the water, make sure to leave it out atleast 24 hours before you water to make sure all the chlorine dissipates. Good luck
great advice and all true. the critical will grow itself. this is going to be a no brainer!

are all dinafem strains this hardy?