Dinafem Blue Widow


Active Member
LOL, I'm such a stoner lol. I wanted to be planting my almost rooted clones into clear cups so I could see the root development. Never did I think of putting the clear cup inside a non clear one lol. Thanks m8.
Looking great!
Best Wishes.


Well-Known Member
I would hold off on the 400w for another week or so. Let them get about 6", maybe 4 true leaf sets. Unless heat is no problem, seedlings roots tend to have a hard time keeping up under stress.


Well-Known Member
ya I put them under the 400w, they seem to be liking it so far.. gave them a full dose of Big Bloom yesterday, everything seems to be going good :) wish them luck. Week 4 update on the 28th


Well-Known Member
So I've got to vent off a little bit of steam. My plants are coming up on their 1 month since sprout.... and they are still seedlings, they've only got they're 3rd true leaf sets.. and they're no bigger than my thumbnail... WHAT THE FUCK! I've seen so many people veg their plants for a month and they're 8in tall with fat fan leaves and they bud them... if I budded mine at one month I'd get a damn 5 bowl. What am I doing wrong? I switched them over to the 400, started feeding with nutrients, they got a little bit of deficiency so I adressed that, the temps are at 81-85, I don't overwater, I feed then water, feed, water, feed, water... etc good air flow. I can't figure it out and it's pissing me off.. am I not meant to grow pot or something?? Jesus


Well-Known Member
dude sounds like your doing everything right soil grows can take alot longer. get some more pics up for us so we can see them. they might just be throwing down roots u could be in for a big growth spurt once they start really soaking up that 400w


Well-Known Member
also i had a vk sitting in soil on the sidelines while i grew my other weed in hydro the hydro plant is now a massive bush ready to flip if i wanted too and the vk that was in soil in the sun is still only just starting to show its 3rd set of leaves and its about 3 to 4 weeks old so dont get too discouraged at this stage the growth is coming.


Well-Known Member
at first glance i can't see anything obvious... your using your own soil mix which would be lightly nuted.... and your using your nutes now, they would soon show over feeding so it isn't that. you say your temps are controled to 80-85f.......

are they still in cups?..... after 2nd-3rd week they should have gone into something near 5 gal pots .... are they getting rootbound brother?

but if you have already transplanted then it may just be what "forget" says ... root growth then a mad growth spurt


Well-Known Member
ya they were in the cups.. they ended up being pretty rootbound, but not super rootbound, anyway I transplanted them into their 3.5 gallon pots and arranged them all in the closet under the 400w.. I'll get pictures up on the 28th maybe you guys can help me out. I do truly appreciate the feedback though.. it means a lot to me as I'm more of type of grower who freaks at the littlest thing... I've got to remind myself that they're resilient plants and they will survive, and the bud will be great.


Well-Known Member
mine seemed to stall after transplant (i know they are different mine are autos ... yours are not) but after they we're moved i saw a week or so of nothing ... then a mental growth spurt ...so much so in 10 days i had roots hanging out of 3 gal pots ... hold your fire ... they are going to love there new light and pots.... just got to wait for them to stop sulking :-)

i cant wait to watch them go BANG!

oh and when you compare pictures from week to week you will see changes you hadn't noticed before thats mad also


Well-Known Member
i think his soil mix is light enough to be feeding tiny amounts .... last pics showed normal growth, but yeah less is more ;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah cant beieve i didnt pick u on the pot thing. root bound will stall growth every time. on the plus side if they had filled out the cups with roots and the tops were still looking tiny your doing something right. healthy roots = healthy plants


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Update:

I will not be posting pictures for this update, the plants are burned PRETTY bad.. I don't know how... as I used only Big Bloom and barely even full strength. I transplanted most of them into bigger potsand... shit just ain't goin right as of now... I'll post pics when they turn around.. I'm not happy at all with the way things are going.


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Update:

I will not be posting pictures for this update, the plants are burned PRETTY bad.. I don't know how... as I used only Big Bloom and barely even full strength. I transplanted most of them into bigger potsand... shit just ain't goin right as of now... I'll post pics when they turn around.. I'm not happy at all with the way things are going.
sorry to hear that mate ..... flush em and keep the faith



Active Member
:( that sucks, I'm sorry to read this. We are on the same grow cycle. I transplanted mine at 2 weeks and the tops sat idle for a week while the roots took off. They have doubled in size this last week but I'm still not near full strength nutes. I'm feeding 500ppm.

I agree with troutie, flush em real good and let them recover, don't try to rush it. They will recover fine :)


Well-Known Member
They're pretty much dead.. I don't know what happened. They're stunted to the MAX, and burned like crazy, the Happy Frog was too much for them I presume because there's nothing left but the top couple leaves on them.... I picked up a couple clones from the dispensary that were fully root bound, transplanted those into coco coir/perlite and 1 of them is flopping over.. maybe I'm not meant to grow????


Well-Known Member
dont give up man. post up some pics give us a look at what we are dealing with. theres no need to feel bad about it. i completely killed my first plant. nute burned her then didnt flush properly so she got salt locked then when it finally started looking up bam calcium deficiency. i felt like things couldnt get any worse. i was ready to give up but i was lucky to have another plant on the side that i was testing out different stuff on and that one survived and now is awesome. these nute companies are fucked hey. i was using gh flora series and used less than what was recomended on the bottle and it smashed my plant i now use like 1/3 the dose i dont know why they recomend such high doses.


Well-Known Member
Yea looking good so far man, keep it up I will keep watching im subbed and by the way I went to full strength nutes by the third week.