

Well-Known Member
I started a grow with a few plants...1st grow. A couple were over fert'd so I murk'd them. Two continued on. One is 9" while the other is 12".

At the time I pulled the other 2...I started to germ seeds and then ended up putting two more seedlings into a bubbler. There is about a month or more between the 1st 2 plant and the seedlings (2 in soil 2 in a bubbler).

Im in a narrow long closet with 1 400w HPS and only have one place to securely grow. Im thinking about trying to change to 12/12 and see what sex the 1st 2 plants are. But I dont want to limit the light on the seedlings.

Like I said...I cant seperate or have two growing areas right now. Any ideas? Or should I just wait until all 4 are at a point to flower?



Active Member
You should get sex signs in about 10 days, so for 10 days you can keep them inside they'll probably be badly stunted but then you can just reveg them