digital vaporizer resin build up in tube, is this hash?

Merry Janemas

Active Member
i am new to vapeing but love it through and through.

thing is i see after a few uses a build of resign on my tubing from the vaporiser to the mouthpiece. so my question, since i am slow cooking the pot, is this resin buildup of vapor similar to hash. i know when i get enough to scrape it i will, and hopefully it taste good in a pipe. but i was just wondering if someone else has tried this.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I usually wait until there is a good amount built up and I rinse it with 99% alcohol. I then put the alcohol on some type of glass plate or mirror. After the alcohol evaporates you are left with a residue that you can scrape up with a razor blade and add to another vape batch. It is recycling at its finest. What type of vaporizer do you use? I use a Super Vapezilla.

Merry Janemas

Active Member
i have a crapy oxygen mini by vapir. friend got a volcano and i bought this off him for 50 bucks plus he threw in the battery for it. its not that bad i think, but a lot of people say they're shit?