Digital timers? any suggestions?


I've got two DNE- timers and both seem to be failing. They either stick on or stick off. NOT dependable. I'm only running one small pump on each. Any ideas on another brand timer. I'm about to hit these timers with a big fucking hammer. They have cost me some female friends for sure. I'm looking at sentenal timers now. A bit pricy but WTF. Any suggestions?


I guess nobody on this thread knows anything about digital timers. lol All I wanted were some suggestions as to what were the best for the money. Oh well, guess I will reinvent the wheel.....


New Member
I have a couple from Manards that are powering my 600s... never an issue. Think they were like 20 bucks each, digital always work... dunno.


I've got two DNE- timers and both seem to be failing
Inductive load (motors) is hard on electronic timers in my experience. They seem to work well for lights, but fail rapidly on motors and fans, at least for me. I just use cheap mechanical timers now.


Well-Known Member
A lot of my Art-DNEs fail too. I run them on submersible pumps. I think Truncheon may be on to something, I might be switching to mechanical timers for that reason as well.


Well-Known Member
I use GE and intermatic digital timers I get at home depot and amazon. The intermatics give me about three years of service and the GE still going. The GE only has 7 or 9 on off times so the Intermatic is the keeper with 24 on off times per day hence very good for water and air pumps. The GE is for the Light a lumatek 1000. I bought a hydrofarms that only lasted two years and took a crap. My wiring is all new and I check always to make sure my voltage is good since I am using my well pump circuit. When I move I will have one dedicated 30 amp for my building so I should get more time out of timers, or the timers just have a shelf life of going on and off every day.


Well, the ART-Dne failed again. I may have just lost 14 young ladies. I ordered two new timers but they have not arrived yet. We will see. I've got another batch of fetuses going. Getting really pissed off. Deep breathly, relax. lol


Well-Known Member
consumer digital everything, is not very reliable with high amperage stuff. i'd stay with analog-magnetic, old school gear that never fails.


You guys bumped my old brain. Perhaps the start up surge of the submersible pump is frying these timers. I am only running one pump at this time but was wanting to run three off the same timer. I think I'm going to look into running the timer to a strong relay for the switch. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I got my digital timers from Argos (in UK). I think they were 3 for £10. Rated to 13A Never had a problem with them (apart from trying to set them while stoned!)
For lights, I also use a relay/contactor. Not sure if this is essential as I've never tried it without.
Only problem I've ever had with pumps was caused by scale so now I flush them through with vinegar between grows.


Well-Known Member
Oh bro, I got a Hermie from a bad timer, and that was when I got my intermatic 15 amp dual plug with ground from Hom D. Now I get em from Amazon cus hom d does not sell em any more. I am tellin ya what they last about two three yeas and if you don't over draw like I do they will last even longer. I got my overdraw solved with a digital ballast so mine should last. A mech timer with outlet block will cost ya unless you build and wire yourself, the timer and the plugs and box and wire aint cheap, but the intermatic hooked up to fused power supply is not. Fused power supply with six outlets 20.00 at hom D, the timer 20.00 at Amazon useeded, unhermied plants priceless.


Well-Known Member
What is the amp draw of the pump? I have one that can run a 55 gallon and it only draws 25-35 watts. Maybe you you have problem with a circuit. Have you checked wiring or draw on you pump, fan, etc? Tools of the trade are pricesless. I use the meter with the claw so I know the draw, and a regular meter to check for bad common etc. Home d sells a circuit checker with three lights in it. It tells you if you have a wiring issue and what it is. It so easy to use I bought one when I built my grow house and it saved me a mountain of money I would have had to pay an electrician for wiring the buildg, so I took the savings and used 12 gauge instead of 14. I can draw what I want all I have to do is plug into my heavy circuits and draw 30 amp. I go overboard on wiring safety. I have seen what being cheap got others, burnt to the ground. If you know your draw you know you are safe, never exceed 13amp on a 15 supply and no problems, you need a cushion for things that fire up higher than they run, and know the fire up rate and adjust draw on that circuit. If it fires in at 8 amps and runs at 5 guess what? you count the 8 then add your next appliance load. Yes tools are expensive, but they are priceless in the return of bud and safety and being able to reproduce without stress. I buy descent tools and then find good inexpensive off the shelf shit and love every minute. Terminal block and timer is like 300.00 my set up can run 10 amp pump and 3 amp air pump, now that is fucking extreme, but you get it. My pump for 55 gall res runs25 watts, my air pump is for a 100 gall res 35watt. Super low draw and 14 amps to spare. I have a friend that buys the cheapest meters I have ever seen I think he bought the circuit checker, amp probe and tester for less than a 100.00, cheap chinese tools, but his shit never fails. You can do this it is easy. Knowing is half the battle soldier, the other half is getting off of lazy and doing it lol. Peace DD