digital ballasts

ive just pulled 2 digital ballasts out of my loft they died on me about two years ago is there anything salvageable from these things or should i just chuck them?
There may be an internal fuse that blew. If so you could try replacing it, but if it blew, it blew for a reason and will probable blow again as soon as you power it up. If so, chuck them. If they have fans, you can salvage them for other things.
remember to take pics n educate the rest of us!

well that was pretty pointless, take off the ends and had a look inside but looks like they fit the PCB then pour some black plastic composite in there, about 2" thick and the length of the ballast,
maybe for heat maybe to dull the RF maybe to make it feel like your getting something for your money i dont know but this is what gives the digitals the weight because theres fuck all else in there and theres no way of getting the plastic shit out so you cant even reuse the case!
ahh well two more digital ballasts for land fill!! :???: