Digital Ballasts blowing up Hortilux bulbs???


Well-Known Member
I imagine the problem sounds worse than it is (so who knows how risky this combination really is over 400w). Both a case of many people spreading the experience of few people and this repeating itself until it seems like it is a big problem, and because people are more likely to report a problem than a non problem (lol)?
but they arent HPS, they are pulse start metal halide that put out as much light as HPS but in better spectrums.
i have lumatek dimmables
ive tried all flavors of the sun pulse bulbs 3,4,6,and 10k. the science is there and is what convinced me to give them a shot. i really liked walking in and seeing the room with a halide spectrum. ( not orange).
sunpulse has no stated output ratings to really compare them to other bulbs, other than claiming they have more par watts, and were developed strictly for use with digital ballast. i had no issues with these
i can say the bulbs are not as bright(lumens) as a hortilux eye hps, (most hps will put out 20-30 % more than mh) yes i have a meter... but you can visualy notice the difference dispite the spectrum contrast.
i think the hps make up for the lower par watt/ lumen by putting out more light ....
im back with eye hps for now and just use the sunplulse for vegge
in nature ,the autumn sun after noon is closer to the color of the hps than a halide and i think the plants like it better for making juicy buds, this is an arguable point...
I am always testing new products and trying different methods, and my yeilds reflect the learning curves of each new thing i try, there are good things to say about sp but to run all 4 color bulbs in a grow is VERY expensive! especially if you have many fixtures. the 3 k bulb is nice.... and the 10k is a secret weapon!
with all that said, my best yeilds were with eye hortilux hps
Yes. I am having this issue and so are many of the people I know. I am trying my best to track this issue down with the manufacturers and all our experienced people on forums. I have written to Hortilux asking about this issue and this is thier response.

Our bulbs preform like all other bulbs on the market with electronic gear. Electronic gear operates at high frequency so they are tough on all lamp brands. We have had much success with Lumatek (a lot depends on the very ballast itself). Electronic gear is currently being imported so there is not a lot of controls in the process. Our lamps are manufactured in Ohio with ISO standards...every lamp is started before put into the box. I have confidence it is not a lamp issue. Hope this helps!

I will report more when the digital ballast people write back. meanwhile this is what I have learned.

Much has changed and much has been learned about digital ballasts. Frankly, the jury is still out on the digi vs mag ballast debate.
Yes Digital are lighter, yes they are extremely quiet, yes they cost more to purchase, no they do not cost less to run, yes they do produce more usable light for the plants, most modern digital ballasts are shielded now, some still are not, usually the cheaper knock off brands. Magnetic Ballsts are old, tried and true technology with little issues beyond, hot, heavy, inefficient and cheap.

#1 Issue remains, finding bulbs able to run their full life expectancy on digital ballasts.

I have researched this and poured over the forums, the overwhelming amount of reports are of definate premature failure of most bulbs when run on digital ballasts.

Sun Pulse claims to have the only bulbs made specifically for digital ballasts, however, the reports on grower forums are these bulbs fall short when it comes to comparative yeilds in side by side tests with hortilux.
I am hearing possibly now the Digilux bulbs may be better suited for digital ballasts, however more on the ground reports are needed to conclude this thread.
I want to believe digital ballasts are the way of the future, but I will need more confirmation from the industry and grower forums before the final vote. I will try to get back on this as my research pans out.
Oh, and for the record, lumetec ballasts have one of the highest failure rates in the industry. Quantum has one of the best. Phantom, the digital ballast with all the bells and whistles also has a very impressive low return/failure rate. They have similar warranties, but my supplier says Quantumn has the best no questions asked return and replace policy. Around here all these ballasts sell for the same cost $375, so there is little reason to purchase lumitec, but I am sure lumitecs work well for many people.
As said, each grower must find their own way, lets keep the spirit of HELPING each other alive. Just share what you have learned. I want to hear more on bulb failure rates and compatiblity issues with different bulb brands with digital ballasts brands. :leaf::idea:
What bulbs are you running in what digital ballast and how long are they lasting?


Active Member
i use a Hortilux bulb but not a digital balast i use a better then nature one .. and i have never had a problem with it .. the bulb is on its coming close to the end of its 3rd show now,,, are you touching it when installing it?


Well-Known Member
Hortilux Eye MH bulb didn't work on my Phantom 400w ballast when I first purchased, but did work at the store. It worked for 72 hours this week, but than when I plugged it in again it flickered and that was it (which is what it did at the old house). After spending hours yesterday looking online I came to the conclusion it was a compatibility issue, got me a $25 Sylvania HPS plugged it in and it worked right away, time will tell if it keeps working.

Bottom line (not a fact just an observation) Do not use Hortilux MH bulbs with a Phantom, even though some folks say they work just fine, don't take the chance. The phantoms seem to only have issues with MH, I could not find anyone with issues using HPS, but hey I veg under 8 T5's so no biggie for me.