Digital Ballast Question

Keif Cheif

yes, I believe it may be limited to cheap chinese ballasts, lol

Its not necessarily the "cheap chinese ballasts" because the truth is that all the companies are made just about the same, most likely assembled from the same little Chinese child. The problem is that there is some kind of a broken coaxial coating on one of the cables. That is what is picking up the high levels of frequency (hertz levels) that the ballast is throwing off.

You need to shorten the length of the lamp cord, it is acting as the antenna for the RF, or fix the broken coating on the cables in your house. This is why Gavitas have become so popular, is because they eliminated the lamp cord by mounting it on the reflector. Hope this helps! -Cheif


Well-Known Member
That sounds realistic, how would I go about fixing the coaxial coating, this is inside one of the wires, I'm not great at electric work opening cords or wall sockets, and by shortening you mean literally cutting and shorting it or just coil it up and tye wire it shorter?

Keif Cheif

You would need to wrap a new coaxial coating around it, or simply bring out a cable guy to do the job. You need to physically shorten the cord. You would need to cut it and re-splice a plug onto it.

This might be too much work for what it's worth, so just hang up the light and grow! Only be paranoid about the RF if you have someone that comes knockin on the door. If not, then take a look at the gavita lighting products or product videos. Monster Gardens is the best Gavita source in the industry. Hope this helps! -Cheif


Well-Known Member
Yeah they have tons of line running for no reason, side of the house to the back,split, up to a room where ballast is, split, line ran around the whole room instead of one drill access hole, just a stupid guy must of installed here, i see what your saying, i coiled up my ballast and moved it a bit from the splitter and cable, only like 3 feet up and 2 feet out, and it hasnt given me any interference , i believe the interference is minimal, being it only effects the tv when ballast or cords are right next to or against splitter, i dont see how it could effect a neighbor... thanks for all your help

Keif Cheif

Sweet man glad you got that figured out. Sounds like a tweak ran the cable lines haha

Some people have said that the "dialing down" on the ballasts helped reduce RF as well. Idk about that, but people say it works (if worst comes to worst). Keep up the great work man


Well-Known Member
yeah it was when fios first started in the area... like they just grabbed people and started installing, now they seem to have their shit together... yeah the ballast is actually at 50% now since their seedlings (see journal for setup)


Well-Known Member
If you are truly worried,
You can....
Build yourself a Farragut cage or use an old microwave.
a Farragut cage is inside a microwave, keeps the microwaves inside the box.
I bet it solves the Problem.


Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
It is messing with ur tv cause u got a high power transformer sitting on ur cable. TV cable runs on 60hz same as most upto date cable lines. the odds of you messing with ur neighbors is slim unless u live in a apartment and they have electronic next to the same wall. that clip is made for power cords so not sure how much it will help you, most large Plasma's come with 2 of those cuz of the large current draw. jus move it away from other line...ex, phone, cable, internet.. but i wouldn't worry to much cuz old microwaves can do the same thing, had one that would mess up every TV in the house while it ran. unless ur running a Warehouse u need not worry about the FCC, airport, NASA missions and such. hope you feel a lil better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah all i did was coil the cords up and away from the splitter and i haven't had any issues since sat. so i believe im good...

thanks for the help

huku, the link of the ballast is in page one


Well-Known Member
Awesome, problem solved FJG.
I think to much when Im high
or is it
I am high to much to think?
happy you left the microwave in th kitchen as my advice may have come from the other side of " way to high".



Well-Known Member
Haha, if i had an old model, the ones that used to be made for the counter i would lol, but these new ones are half the size of an oven! :eyesmoke:

I try not to nuke my food anyway...:mrgreen:...takes all the nutrients out of the food :peace:...radiation for food lol the things we come up with...