Ok... everything is back to normal, almost. Still need to have that window fixed, so there goes getting the HPS this month.
That's ok though, because yesterday I went and got a 6-pack of 26watt 2700K's from Mao-Mart to help things along until I get the HPS. Which may have to wait until after I get proper ventilation and odor control...
...it's getting musky in here, smells like a skunk dipped in diesel fuel.
Anyway... back to the girls.
Yes, I said
girls. As in multiple. Violet has just grown her first set of pistils.
PPMs are at 1800, ph is rock solid at 5.9. Once these girls drink half their res I'm switching over to the flowering mix of nutes with a healthy dose of koolbloom. That should be within the next two days or so.
Oh yeah, the new batch of cuttings, all from Emerald, are doing much better than the last batch. That fan made all the difference in the world. Also, the airstones got a good wet-grinding and are producing much more air than before, so it's misty under the lid now.
Family Photo:
Temp/humidity with all 292 watts of CFLs
Clones and root nubbies:
This photo does not show how fucking bright it really is in there:
Anyway... I need to start looking for a tub that will fit next to my 3 gallon tubs in that clone box so I can keep a mommy in there.