dig it up


Active Member
hello one and all got to say love the site

ok heres my first question i have 2 plants outside not very big and i now have a 250w hps and was woundering is it safe for me to dig my ladies up move them indoors in a white room under lights and give them the 12/12 light cycle

thanks dazz


Well-Known Member
this could shock them. since they are not very big, how long have they been growing? if you simply must dig them up, dig in seems like an abnormal amount of dirt around the plant to minimize any unnecessary root hacking.


Active Member
they do have small bud now growing just thought the plant would do better where i can get correct 12/12 cycle as i cant get this where they are really aint possable

thanks for the help


Active Member
hi all lmao just thought about my post and it may sound like im stealing theses plants but i most defo not just that i live in the uk and weather has got real shit over here just want to get the best from my plants but they may even be hermies as they got terrorised at a young age they have stayed small one was eaten by a deer but both survived both have what look to be small buds this is my first time grow but was outside next grow will in my new room.but just wanted to find out if its possable to move them to see if i can make them turn out abit better

thanks dazz