diffrence bitween high's and flowering time


Active Member
hi every1 .
i am 8 weeks into flowering with nirvana's snow white
90% of the pistils are still white and trichomes are a mix of
cloudy n clear i have send a mail to nirvana's support asking them how long will it take for it to finish and was told it can go for 11 weeks
this strain is mostly describeds narcotic hight and some says its body\head mixed.
my question is if an 11 weeks flowering individual indicates
of having sativa traits in the high or is it about complexibilty of the high ? will it be complex and narcotic cause i have seen pheno's of this strain going for 7-8 weeks as well
so am i just unlucky or am i in for a treat
thanks you all for the support during my first real indoor grow


Active Member
i think your going to be in for a treat. and if you generous maybe i'll get a treat to? lol jk. but enjoy man. always good to taste the fruits of your labor.


Active Member
i think your going to be in for a treat. and if you generous maybe i'll get a treat to? lol jk. but enjoy man. always good to taste the fruits of your labor.
i dont live in the states like most ppl here
if you can make the trip :)
so you think it will be more complex due to long flowering period?


Well-Known Member
Flowering periods can really vary a lot between strains and also within the same strain. It's all on how you look at the plant and "know" when to harvest it. It really could take 11 weeks.


Active Member
uh yes very little tho. but you could start messing with your clones and trying new things to make it more potent. like when you start new clones to try and pinch all the leaf tips through out it's life cycle ( i have heard it makes the entire plant covered in trichomes from every leaf to frosted snowball buds.) but then again i haven't tries this yet i'm waiting till next grow to try it. and if you do try it you plant may look deformed but don't worry about it. just wait and see bra.