Different heights

cajun rose circle

Active Member
I have a kandy kush and a NL x Big bud. They are 2 weeks old. The Kush is already about 1 foot tall. the NL is less than 1/2 as tall but much bushier. I also have a white rhino that is only one week old and catching up to the NL. My question is, do I need to supercrop the KUSH to let the others catch up? And with a space only 1' x 4' will a super crop make it too wide for this space?


Active Member
2 weeks old and a foot tall? man that plant must be streeeeeetched
no doubt i have 10 that r almost 2 wks old they r like 2 1/2 inches tall, mine r from seed but even clones i find hard to belive a ft. tall even stretched dont think thats possible