Different color stems


Well-Known Member
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgHi all, newb in every sense of the word here. Got my first grow going, 2 plants. I'm going to try and post the pics I took if I can figure it out.
So my babies are a week plus 3 days old. Got a T5 bulb on them. Just today I noticed one of the stems turned a reddish purple color while the other is still a nice greenish color. I'm pretty sure they are the same strain(super lemon haze), but it is possible one of them is something else. Not sure which is which unfortunately. Could it be as simple as they are not the same strain? Or is it something more dire? Gonna try to get the pics up...any advice is much appreciated
you can look online and find many posts about defiency but be carefule about that, monitor your temperature. I have this grow intentionally pushed my tewmps down to 60 degrees to turn my short rider stalks and veins purple (cuz I like that) . most strains you will find will purple with cooler temps but note it effects yield a little. check your temps, if they low that's the issue. otherwise you may have a defiency (I think phos but I don't recall )
in fact here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=purple+stems+on+weed


Well-Known Member
Ah gotcha. I'm learning in stages. Thought I had a couple weeks to figure out the nutrient part of it. Good link tho. Some people say its no biggie, some say minor nutrient problem or temps. Think ill give it a few days and see what happens. Leaves look strong.
Just thought it was weird cuz both plants are under the exact same situation. Ill get the hang of it


Well-Known Member
so I added the pics in there. #1 and #4 are the green stem. 2 + 3 are the purp stem. they were both really stretchy at first since I newb'd the height of my light. got it down to about an inch above the plants now. I tried the 'bury stem' method that another poster described. what do you all think? look healthy at this point? 10 days old


New Member
Right now, I wouldn't worry about anything. They are too young and still trying to get roots established to soak up nutes for you to really tell why one has a purple stem and the other doesn't. Cal/Mag is usually all that's needed to combat purple stems but it all depends on strain. Since you're unsure if it's the same strain, I'd let it go a bit before you do anything drastic. Getting the light closer will help with the stretchy stem.


Well-Known Member
Dont go freaking out and nute those seedlings.
You got a long way to go and this is not uncommon with some strains. Example, my Animal Cookies are bright neon green and my Chinese Yunnan is Darker green with deep purple stem.
This can happen as well with same strain.


Good Luck