
Well-Known Member
noone has anything to say?

the growth might have also been somewhat stunted because I have read that auto's like deep pots, not necessarily wide pots but just deep. That container you have three plants in looks very shallow. I am using rose buckets for mine which are taller then wide


Well-Known Member
Are the diesel ryders done? How much dry from them? I just ordered some last week myself. Im gonna do them inside with cfl bulbs. I think 2- 125w 1=6400k & 1=2700k 17,000 lumens should be enough for a 4x2 box. I built my reflector yesterday and when I can borrow a saw from someone I'll cut my pvc pipes for the box. I'll post some pics later. I figure if I plant all 10 plus the free roadrunner seed then I might have 6 females. That should be enough room.


Active Member
nice bro good luck mine still havent finished flowering yet, i got like 2 more weeks im guessin...


Well-Known Member
CT dat def a man plant seperate form da girls dont kill let pollen grow out for a few weeks collect pollen cut a paper plate put under plant top of pot watch pollen balls learn when about to open then pullsomme before open wont need to many take pollen out of pod dry i put in brown paper unbleached put in some rice for a couple days when good and dry its redy to use or store for a few monts no use some on a female use after one week of flower so seeds have time to mature you wont have to buy seeds agin for a long time

luck to you my bro