Diesel Ryder CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Its been 19 days now and the tallest three are 2inch but the rest are 1- 1.5inch. at this rate if they grow 2 months theyll only be 5 inches. maybe after they show sex i can get them closer to light and they will take off.



Active Member
is this a lowryder strain.. because the lowryder strains grow faster then that... they show sex by day 16 or 17.. not sure what your doing wrong but keep trying


Active Member
well now that i am looking at it you need that light alot closer try like 2in away thats why your plant are growing very slow:fire:


Well-Known Member
dude ur lite is twofar away!ur reflector is friigin piece of art!luv it!w/ ur lite proably 4 in. or so,do the old hand test.it works.PEACE


Well-Known Member
yesterday I lowered the lights pretty much right on top of them and a couple of them grew more sets of leaves but like 5 show no change really. heres pics of the two better looking ones. the biggest one has what im hopin to be pistols in the crotch of the first set of leaves. I cant tell for sure, because they are so small, but it doesnt look like male. I am a pro at growing males outdoors. at least till they show balls then i pull them. Only had 1 female out of 5 last year and 3 out of like 30 this year. I went on a bender starting seeds in little peat pots and planting them around the woods everyday for like a month. Deer ate some, 10 just dried up with me checking them daily, and then the balls started appearing. That was a lot of work taking backpack after backpack of dirt, diggin holes, lugging gallons of water in the back pack. One day I got the bright idea to put a trash bag in the backpack and fill it with water, then just pour out of pack. It worked great for about five minutes. I was double timing cause I filled it outside with the hose and the neighbors kids were allover the place and i didnt want to be followed by them( my kids friends). Wouldnt you know it, I just made it into the tree line and my foot caught a thorny vine and when i tried to pull it out and jump like the ninja i am, i didnt compensate for the 60 pounds of water on my back, fell flat on my face, all the water on the back of my head and shoulders, and I had to do it over again. Dont know why I went into that but hey, if it helps someone else then im glad i could help. any ways, heres pics



Well-Known Member
a little side note to the bag pack story, The second time it worked better, but would spill water all over when taking of back, leaning over to get through the thick shit, and general guerilla stuff. Its just easier to use gallons and 2 liters. Until I patent the 10 gallon camelback with watering hose built in. and a screw top so no spillage. dont steal my ideas either!


Well-Known Member
After bringin down the lights right on top of them they started growing better. I also started them on 1/4 strenth miracle grow tomatoe food. after a couple of days like that I finally decided to take some of the out into the woods. There just wasnt enough room for all of them to get light when that low. Now I have 4 inside and 3 outside as well as my 3 bagseed outdooor plants. now they are gonna do alot better. i mght just leave a male and a female outside together and grow the rest of the females inside.



Well-Known Member
i checked the diesel ryders outside and they were coming along nicely. one looks female, 2 i couldnt tell yet. Out of the 4 diesel ryders inside, 1 is male and 2 of them are female and 1 is unknown. That brings the tally to of 10 seeds,
1 didnt germinate
2 died as sprouts with shell on
3 females
1 male
3 unknown, but didnt see male stuff yet!

these pics are from the really good bagseed plants I stuck in dirt for shits and giggles but they outlasted all the plants I tried to grow in potting soil and babied and everything.



Well-Known Member
After a few days i realized that two were male and two looked female, but now three are male and maybe the fourth too. heres pics. first two are the males i was gonna use to pollinate, third is the one that i thought for sure was female, and last is also suspected male. Im gonna have to bring in the three from outside that havent sexed yet and hope for girls.


Well-Known Member
I disposed of two males and brought in the three from outside. The two that i had been growing inside are indeed males.
Fortunately, all three from outside are female! They have white hairs instead of balls. I was starting to think that theese seeeds were crap. The smallest of the three has the most hairs. it is also pretty stinky when you block the breeze from the fan and can smell it. cant wait for them all to get stinky so i can see how well my carbon filter works. so far the plants havnt been makin a smell.heres some pics.



Well-Known Member
still growing nicely. I moved the two males to the back of the box so the ladies could get as much light as possible. the males that are in back are really stretching to try and reach the light. they doubled in height in a week. I also planted the dinafem feminized california hash plant seed that attitude gave me with the dr seeds. It popped its head out of ground overnight. That one im going to just run a 12/12 cycle on it once it gets a set of leaves. It is supposed to have a 5 or 6 week flowering cycle so hopefully i get a short plant that is one big bud in 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
Well, i guess i'll update. they are at seven weeks now so I guess I got three weeks left. This was a real learning experience. Im kinda dissapointed in how they went but all the failures are my own fault. I grew them from the start in big tall pots expecting them to be 2 feet tall, and didnt have enough room to get the light right on top of them for about three weeks. Then i took half of them outside and grew four males inside. The 3 females are tiny compared to others Ive seen. Maybe next time ill grow them in party cups with the light right on top from the beginning and transplant to 2 liter bottles after they flower. Also i need to use better water too. It flooded around here pretty bad and the people that run the place im stayin dumped a bunch of bleach in the well. gonna do lots of things different next time. thankfully im getting seeds out of it though. Im sending a friend in a med state some pollen to pollinate some of his white widow to get me some of them seeds. heres pics.



Well-Known Member
dam dude not to sound negative but that's the worst grow i ever seen. never seen plants that small auto's or not. I suggest you ditch any MG products that you have get some Advanced nutrients organic, some good soil and at least a 250 watt light.


Well-Known Member
yeah, havnt had the money for bottled water and fox farm and stuff.
its been real tight lately.
also i want to put my lights side by side instead of end to end. And grow them in 2liter bottles so i can squeeze more into a smaller space. I basically set up for and tried to grow like the lights were hps but them cfls just arnt as strong. All in all though this was a good learning experience and I can improve next grow with what i have on hand even. I looked my plants over real close yesterday and it looks like ive got about 80 fat seeds in the buds so ive got 8 times the potential for improvement next grow!


Well-Known Member
well, week 10 is 2 days away and one of the d.r.'s pistols had turned half amber so I pulled and trimmed it. I also pulled one of my outdoor georgia skunk plants. Dont know if it has a name, Just some really good mids I got in Atlanta. Maybe I should name it MARTA. I could count about 25 seeds on the d.r I pulled so hopefully I do get about 80 total. After doing more research on the diesel ryders, I found that the other two are more average size for the strain. This one was really a runt. Next grow Im putting the lights side by side and shrinking my box down and am going to try a perpetual grow. However, I must move in a couple weeks and set it up in our new place. also, I need to let the seeds dry so i can use them. Ill post pics of the others after they are ready.

