Didnt Flush

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i had about 5 posts deleted from this thread, and all i was doing was defending myself and a correct opinion. no free speech even here anymore?


Well-Known Member
No reason to flush. If it makes you feel better, just give water the last few days before harvest.


bud bootlegger
i look at it this way.. if flushing were so important that it really improved the taste or burn of buds, there would be no debate.. if it really mattered, people who have tried flushed bud vs unflushed would simply not even get anywhere near unflushed bud, and it would just be a rule of thumb instead of the huge myth it is now..
if it were all that important, there would be no two sides of the fence, everyone would either do it or not do it.. but as is, no one can clearly say that flushed buds taste so much better, or that unflushed buds taste like dog shit, so the myth goes on..

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
We only match a fatty now and then. And haven't grown any of the same clones. Our systems are completely different, DWC with GH and mine are Soil and AN organic. Personally I do feel mine is better and smoother but that is not to say I don't like his (we have also been choosing the trait we each personally love). I'm sure we can work out a fair scientific experiment and get back to you. I see your point, and respect it, I just don't agree. I have ran these experiments on my own and know why I feel this way. I don't mind displeasing a friend, his herb is nice. Exceptionally nice for the small amount of nutes he buys. That also helps the not flushing I'm sure. GH is a no bullshit hydro company and has been for years. Thinking about it that may make a difference. Any time I haven't flushed I can taste it. I have also been a mostly organic guy from the start. And yes I do think everyones taste buds are different...... and that makes all the difference in the world for some things. Never said I could tell without smoking it. I'm only in it for the smoke, so what a chemy or uncured or whatever nug looks like means nothing until smoking a fatty of it. Also he smokes joints about 1/3 the size of mine.
When did this become a comparison of my bud and yours? Wtf I would never say "mine is a better or smoother smoke" on here because I wouldn't judge you like that in public. And what's anything have to do with the size of my joints? I smoke normal joints and you smoke sausages, so what? But since you've cracked that can open....
If your weed was better than mine I'd be honest and tell you, I'm not ashamed of things like that, but it's not true. If it were true, I'd be getting cuts of more stuff you have besides that Chem D, and I'd be trying to trade bud more often, don't you think? Sure, we match a joint every now and then, true. But we have also traded and gifted buds to each other plenty. Your weed tastes good, but not any better than mine. In fact, the Leisure suit larry buds I got from you yesterday don't pack the taste or the punch it did when I grew it. And I'm not the only one that thinks so. Not trying to be mean, just honest.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
For the record I meant sausage sized joints, not cocks. Don't need anyone taking that the wrong way. I just realized how smoking sausages sounds.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
When did this become a comparison of my bud and yours? Wtf I would never say "mine is a better or smoother smoke" on here because I wouldn't judge you like that in public. And what's anything have to do with the size of my joints? I smoke normal joints and you smoke sausages, so what? But since you've cracked that can open....
If your weed was better than mine I'd be honest and tell you, I'm not ashamed of things like that, but it's not true. If it were true, I'd be getting cuts of more stuff you have besides that Chem D, and I'd be trying to trade bud more often, don't you think? Sure, we match a joint every now and then, true. But we have also traded and gifted buds to each other plenty. Your weed tastes good, but not any better than mine. In fact, the Leisure suit larry buds I got from you yesterday don't pack the taste or the punch it did when I grew it. And I'm not the only one that thinks so. Not trying to be mean, just honest.
Indeed right!? How important can flushing be if you can't tell if something wasn't flushed unless you have something that was to compare it to. Obviously not that important, hence racerboys comment of it not being that important hence the debate is ongoing. I now really want to post you a pair of buds, one flushed and one not, as a blind taste test, and see what you think. Because i mean come on, you smoked unflushed buds from a friend, and you couldn't tell that they were not flsuhed, so why are we arguing, there is obviously nothing wrong with unflushed.


Well-Known Member
The Internet is like that. Misinformation is posted, someone reads it and reposts it, and soon you see it all over and accepted as fact.

Really, all you can do is experiment and find out what's true and what's bullshit on your own. Just because its on the Internet doesn't mean it's true.

unless its a Rick roll ;)


bud bootlegger
The Internet is like that. Misinformation is posted, someone reads it and reposts it, and soon you see it all over and accepted as fact.

Really, all you can do is experiment and find out what's true and what's bullshit on your own. Just because its on the Internet doesn't mean it's true.

unless its a Rick roll ;)
it's not just the internet though objohn.. i see it in high times all of the time... flush, flush flush.. same with jorge, but i've learned to take what that dude says with a big grain of salt as i don't really think jorge has grown shit on his own... imo, all he does is go around to pretty famous growers and asks lots of questions, and publishes what he is told.. look at his grow room videos.. not one of the rooms in one of the videos in his own setup, but rather someone that he knows from being who he is..
and danny dorko, or is it darko, i always get that mixed up.. wtf is danny darko other than a writer for high times?? i've never smoked darko bud, nor have i ever bought darko seeds, if you know what i mean... :D

not saying i'm a pro, far from it.. i just mean that if it made that much of a difference, there would be no debate.. everyone would simply flush and it would be common place.. but ime, that's not the way it is..


Well-Known Member
I actually did a blind test a few years ago. I used two clones from the same mother, flushed one a good week before harvest, fed the other right up to the day before harvest. Dried them the same, cured the same. Put a few buds of each in separate jars unlabeled. Had a friend, who knew which was which, label one jar a, and the other jar b. over the next few weeks the wife and high would try some from one jar one evening, the other the following, etc.

we were looking for differences, but found none. So we didn't know which was which, it smoked, burned and tasted all the same, and not knowing which was which, couldn't put a bias on either. If we had known which was which, we might have created a difference in our minds.

But at harvest, the flushed plant buds were a little bit less developed than the other...because it wasn't getting fed


Well-Known Member
When did this become a comparison of my bud and yours? Wtf I would never say "mine is a better or smoother smoke" on here because I wouldn't judge you like that in public. And what's anything have to do with the size of my joints? I smoke normal joints and you smoke sausages, so what? But since you've cracked that can open....
If your weed was better than mine I'd be honest and tell you, I'm not ashamed of things like that, but it's not true. If it were true, I'd be getting cuts of more stuff you have besides that Chem D, and I'd be trying to trade bud more often, don't you think? Sure, we match a joint every now and then, true. But we have also traded and gifted buds to each other plenty. Your weed tastes good, but not any better than mine. In fact, the Leisure suit larry buds I got from you yesterday don't pack the taste or the punch it did when I grew it. And I'm not the only one that thinks so. Not trying to be mean, just honest.
I agree. I think it mostly comes down to one taste. I spent the last few years choosing all the phenos and flavors I like most, as well as how I grow. You did the same. Every nute grows every strain a little different as well as growers, not to mention temp and humidity and such. It my opinion that if we teamed up on a strain that both of us would improve it. I also think I could sway you on the flushing. I did not mean to offend (knew I was pushing it to make a point). I hope everyone likes the pot they grow the best, its a good sign its working.

As far as well grown weed goes the differences are mild and mostly felt in the throat, even now after smoking some of my own I wish I had flushed one more time, it tastes a little funky in my mouth after smoking it (half hour or so). As far as joint size goes I think it makes a huge difference in how the flavor coats your mouth.

I agree on the Larrys too, they will get a little better in cure, I bet the next batch is a lot nicer. I think all your weed tastes good even great, but I'm an organic guy and I think it can be better, just my opinion. That said, in friendly competition I give you a close second behind me around here and we all know thats just my opinion.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Right, no hard feelings. I also give you a close second behind me. :) In all fairness, we both actively have the same chem d, and in a week or less we will both actively have the same BB Headband. I'll be interested in smelling, tasting, and feeling the differences side by side. My cousin will be harvesting his space crush grown in dynagro, we can do a comparison of that in the meantime. But like I said, I've both flushed and not. I think my sense of taste and smell works quite well and I am capable of telling any differences if there were any, and I couldn't tell the difference. So I don't think I'll be swayed to start flushing again.


Scientia Cannabis
I deleted posts from both sides, not just your arrogant posts Rumple.
I suggest you calm down a bit.

Maybe I missed one where someone calls someone else a dick, If you had just let me know you would see that post deleted as well.
It's not like I had intented on leaving that comment here while deleting the other abusive comments..
An abusive/provocative comment is an abusive/provocative comment no matter who makes it.

Bigtacofarmer I'm still waiting for your response to my post.
I have disproved your point about harshness/taste in pre-harvest flushing. I used scientific evidence to prove that it is a misconception which has no evidence supporting it.

I can't take you seriously if you simply just choose to not reply when you are proven wrong.


Scientia Cannabis
i had about 5 posts deleted from this thread, and all i was doing was defending myself and a correct opinion. no free speech even here anymore?
You had 1 post deleted..
Not 5.

I know you were defending yourself but the language you used was not proper.
It has nothing to do with free speech.

I'm trying to keep it fair for both sides here.
If you look I deleted all the comments which should have provoked you into a angry response.

You were actually the one who had fewest posts deleted here.


Scientia Cannabis
This is the one of the best explanations of why the idea of 'flushing nutrients' out of your plants is a misconception. Rep for you. Right, the nutrients are converted to plant starches and sugars. Flushing is a myth.
Actually the real reason is not because the transported nutrients like nitrogen and potassium are converted into starches and sugars.

There might be something about too much nitrogen in the end product but that would only occur in severe overfeeding.
Which only is common in newbie grows.

Nutrients are not stored the way many people think they are.
Some nutrients are mobile others aren't.
What happens is that the mobile nutrients (like NPK) are moved to the calyx(es) and used up almost immediately.
No nutrients are stored in the calyx(es) at all.

Whatever surplus there might be (which will be very low unless you overfeed) is stored in the roots and stems primarily but also somewhat in the leaves.

My point is that you cannot prove pre-harvest flushing is a myth by saying nutrients are converted into sugars and starches.

You can disprove pre-harvest flushing by appealing to how nutrients are stored and used though.

Any grower who does not severely overfeed will never have a surplus of nutrients in the calyx(es) and therefore will not have any harsh or bad tasting weed.
Of course this counts having a proper dry & cure but most veteran growers know how to do that anyway so it's not even a variable per se.

Shivaskunk is correct about the chlorophyll but that goes for every plant, no matter how many nutrients it has been fed.
Chlorophyll surplus and/or dissipation is corrected during a proper dry & cure.

I do cut my nutrient feeding back at the end of flower. I peak with high ppm in week 5-6 and draw back towards the end. This is mostly to conserve nutrients and because the plants dont need it. I cut N out almost completely in the last half of flower. This leaves my leafs looking pretty yellow by the end. Like i mentioned before though this is more because i hate wasting money. The only thing (aside from shitty grown or dried weed) that i have noticed affecting taste is abundance of nitrogen in late flowering and that can be mitigated by drying properly.

As for how herb burns well i smoke joints and one hitters so i dont pay much attention. I have had weed that i bought refuse to burn in a joint though.
An abundance of nitrogen would be the result of overfeeding.
Which isn't very common for veteran growers who know their numbers and setup.

How weed burns is down to the drying & curing process and whether it's done properly or not.
Usually behavior (like burning, crackling etc.) is due to an improper drying period.
While appearance (including taste and odour) is determined by curing.

There are cross over variables though.
Like the crackling of weed which can be due to high levels of chlorophyll which hasn't been removed during a proper cure.
And the odour of weed which can be affected by a too quick dry (hay-smell).
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