Did you ever notice somebody pretending to smoke?


Well-Known Member
that was years ago tho ive EVOLVED INTO A TRUE SMOKER SINCE THEN.. haha still without the cigarettes thought ^_^


Well-Known Member
id hate when my parents complain about money then go buy over a 100 dollars worth of cigarettes

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
haha nice story, and ooh yer ive realised these kinda people. they really annoy me, theres nothing worse than these people pretending to smoke pot, and another awful thing is that they waste all you pot, i mean if your not actually gonna smoke some tell me and give yours back to me dont waste it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you can tell a lot about a person like that.. they prolly be the ones to snitch ya out.. i mean if you dont have enuff spine to say "i dont smoke" i dont think youd have enough nuts or ovaries to tell a cop you aint kno nothin

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
you can tell a lot about a person like that.. they prolly be the ones to snitch ya out.. i mean if you dont have enuff spine to say "i dont smoke" i dont think youd have enough nuts or ovaries to tell a cop you aint kno nothin
hmm, true true, very good point. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
im just paranoid about people telling on me in the first place cause i tend to end friendships on real bad notes..

not my fault though. they all douchebags


Active Member
i knew a guy who had somehow managed to get away with fake smoking for nearly 3 months, doing it abut 3 times a week. i mean how could you do that, and why. it's a waste of time, pot, and patience.


Well-Known Member
thats a waste of money.. the more important green substance..

lol hell no. HELL NO .. id beat that mother fucker with a pillow till he bruised.


Well-Known Member
well wasting another mans precious resources can get you roughed up a bit.. just ask iraq >_>


Active Member
smokin wit my friends friend n he would take the smallst fukin hitz n pretend to cough n then he went around actin like n idiot so wed think he was high. Haha wut a retard this kid was humpin trees we was just laughin oir asses off cuz we wer so high n he obviously was just an idiot haha


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy who was obviously intimidated and not as experienced as me and some buddies once in a 4 man circle and he'd never clear his hit each time around, I was after him and ended up taking the rest of his hit every time ftw! Guess he didn't know how to work the carb or something


Well-Known Member
oh lord when i first started smoking i could not figure out how to use pipes and bongs for shit. i dont know why either but now thats alll i really like to smoke out of.. well until they got thrown away..