Did Ron Paul Win Iowa, Nevada, Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand the benefit of 100% illegal over some states legal. . . a place where peace loving pot-smokers could go and live without fear. . .life is short. . .I don't think there is enough time for me to wait for everyone to agree. . .why do I have to get anyone's permission to grow a plant is just confusing.. at least with Ron Paul, whether or not it is actually true, there seems to be a micron of hope that there is someone out there who still believes that people are the best managers of their lives--not the government.
Did you not notice that you can legally grow cannabis plants for personal use in a third of the country currently? This was not the case while the previous president was in office, just sayin...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Nope, he is not even in the 2% actually, he makes only like 200 grand a year, hardly a millionaire....the one percent is over 700 grand a year I believe. THe other canididates are 5 times richer at the minimum . Ron Paul also doesn't get congressional bennifits and he vowed to take 39k a year as president. Ron Paul has one house its worth 280 grand.
If you count the dividends Ron Paul receives every year from insider trading he makes much more than $200k a year.


Well-Known Member
It's not in any way opposed to the American dream (not that the statement is merely a talking point) at all, in fact it's very much in favor of it. It wouldn't even necessarily need a large bureaucracy at all. Don't take everything at face value. Higher tax rates are a great solution and don't require any more burden to implement. Warren Buffet one of the wealthiest people in the world is in large favor of much higher tax rates on the well off. Anyone making over 2 million or more a year should be paying 50% in tax.
They don't even pay their fair share now because of loopholes in our tax system, they certainly would avoid paying 50% without complete oversight. (big ass expensive bureaucracy) You actually think that the Mitt Romney's of the world would actually pay a 50% tax?

You're making asinine assumptions. Not once did I mention tariffs. China being a labor abundant country has nothing to do with it, you go on to say our manufacturing sector alone is as large as Chinas entire economy... You have a lot to learn about China.
Well, the only ways that I can think of to restrict imports is either tariffs, quotas, or subsidies. Tariffs would increase price levels for consumers. Quotas would restrict supply, therefore increasing price levels for consumers. Subsidies would increase government expenditure, increasing tax rates. I wouldn't have to make assumptions if you would be specific. How and why would we restrict imports? What do I have to learn about China?

You're in denial about capitalism. That's just as dangerous as a pure state of communism, if not more so.
lol. I am so dangerous with my crazy free market ideals.

A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)


Well-Known Member
I just got back from a private conference with Trojan Condoms and they said Ron Paul is not puppet material suitable for the united states presidential toilet seat of power.


Well-Known Member
They don't even pay their fair share now because of loopholes in our tax system, they certainly would avoid paying 50% without complete oversight. (big ass expensive bureaucracy) You actually think that the Mitt Romney's of the world would actually pay a 50% tax?

Well, the only ways that I can think of to restrict imports is either tariffs, quotas, or subsidies. Tariffs would increase price levels for consumers. Quotas would restrict supply, therefore increasing price levels for consumers. Subsidies would increase government expenditure, increasing tax rates. I wouldn't have to make assumptions if you would be specific. How and why would we restrict imports? What do I have to learn about China?

lol. I am so dangerous with my crazy free market ideals.

A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)
You are crazy with the free market ideals. You are basically saying "have faith". Have faith that corporations won't be in bed with politicians and have even more autonomy? What is free about a market where corporations have the upper hand over consumers? Yeah let the corporations decide what to shove down everyone's throats. Stop hindering them from raping the environment. Yeah that will fix everything. All because someone says that competition breeds innovation. I don't see anyone pointing to facts about the free market unless they are arguing against free market principals. Even Paul is basically saying to have faith that the free market can fix the economy.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Based on what?
Based on Ron Paul having one of the most successful stock portfolios in America and it's currently legal for congressmen to trade based on insider information when it's illegal for the rest of us.

The average congressman's stock portfolio beats the average professionally managed stock portfolio by more than 100%. You don't do that without insider trading.

It's legal, but it's only legal for members of congress.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The hell you say! Can you point me to a link? I would love to read that little tidbit. :p
He makes his money short selling and then takes the profits and invests it in real estate.

Congressmen can make a shit ton of money shortselling and always make the right bets because they get information the rest of us don't have access to.

Then he invests in start up mining companies (which is pretty safe bet when you know which mining companies are going to be permitted to mine where in advance). It's like having a slot machine that pays out every time.

I'll look for a link.


Well-Known Member
You are crazy with the free market ideals. You are basically saying "have faith". Have faith that corporations won't be in bed with politicians and have even more autonomy?
How do you attribute free market capitalism to the situation we are in today? Legal bribery with the tools of lobbyist should be illegal, as it interrupts the free market and causes monopolies and inefficiencies. Its funny that, Ron Paul being the only one who doesn't suck off lobbyist, is one of the few true supporters of the free market.

What is free about a market where corporations have the upper hand over consumers? Yeah let the corporations decide what to shove down everyone's throats. Stop hindering them from raping the environment. Yeah that will fix everything. All because someone says that competition breeds innovation.
Corporatism wouldn't be present today without corrupt politicians, again this should be illegal as it hinders the free market. Cap and trade is certainly not the answer to pollution, it just a way for corporations to make excessive profits. Pollution should be dealt with at state and local levels. You are letting your emotions override the realization of the absurdity of our current pollution regulations. Every market that the government intervenes in (ie. housing, medical, education) is fucked up, how do you not see this?

I don't see anyone pointing to facts about the free market unless they are arguing against free market principals. Even Paul is basically saying to have faith that the free market can fix the economy.
Which sectors fail in the free market particularly without excessive regulation?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The hell you say! Can you point me to a link? I would love to read that little tidbit. :p
Here's an interesting little tid bit

Congressional financial-disclosure forms report holdings only in wide dollar ranges (for example, $15,001 to $50,000). If Rep. Paul owned gold bullion, estimating his investment performance would be fairly easy. But he doesn’t; he owns gold-mining stocks instead. And since the size of each stock holding is disclosed only within a broad band of valuation, there’s no way an outside observer can derive a long-term rate of return for Rep. Paul’s portfolio (or for any other member of Congress, for that matter). We did ask for comment, but his office didn’t respond.

There isn’t much doubt that Rep. Paul’s portfolio has outperformed the U.S. stock market as a whole. Ten years ago, the
NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index
, a basket of stocks in mining companies, was at $65; this week, it’s at $522. That’s roughly a 23% average annual return; over the past decade, by contrast, the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, counting dividends, has returned some 2.9% annually.
So Ron Paul's portfolio out performed S&P's by nearly 1000%. lol. Yeah, that's legit.

Unfortunately congress has rigged the rules so you can't tell exactly what they are doing or how they are doing it. But when you see someone beat S&P averages by nearly 1000%, well either he's the luckiest person in the history of the world or he's using insider information. There is no amount of skill that produces a result like that.

He's stock portfolio is worth somewhere between $2.5-5 million dollars, no one knows for sure. But if he's getting insane dividends like that, you can bet it's growing fast and he's making much much more than $200k per year. If he's getting ~23% return annually on more than 60% of his portfolio, well it's pretty easy to figure out that this is a significant amount of change.



Well-Known Member
He makes his money short selling and then takes the profits and invests it in real estate.

Congressmen can make a shit ton of money shortselling and always make the right bets because they get information the rest of us don't have access to.

Then he invests in start up mining companies (which is pretty safe bet when you know which mining companies are going to be permitted to mine where in advance). It's like having a slot machine that pays out every time.

I'll look for a link.
Found one.



Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting little tid bit

So Ron Paul's portfolio out performed S&P's by nearly 1000%. lol. Yeah, that's legit.

Unfortunately congress has rigged the rules so you can't tell exactly what they are doing or how they are doing it. But when you see someone beat S&P averages by nearly 1000%, well either he's the luckiest person in the history of the world or he's using insider information. There is no amount of skill that produces a result like that.

He's stock portfolio is worth somewhere between $2.5-5 million dollars, no one knows for sure. But if he's getting insane dividends like that, you can bet it's growing fast and he's making much much more than $200k per year. If he's getting ~23% return annually on more than 60% of his portfolio, well it's pretty easy to figure out that this is a significant amount of change.

Well if you read the whole blog post, it explains it better. What does this have to do with insider trading? It just says that he invests most of his portfolio into gold mining. Which makes sense. We keep inflating the shit out of our currency so the value of gold greatly increase over the years. Am I missing something?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting little tid bit

So Ron Paul's portfolio out performed S&P's by nearly 1000%. lol. Yeah, that's legit.

Unfortunately congress has rigged the rules so you can't tell exactly what they are doing or how they are doing it. But when you see someone beat S&P averages by nearly 1000%, well either he's the luckiest person in the history of the world or he's using insider information. There is no amount of skill that produces a result like that.

He's stock portfolio is worth somewhere between $2.5-5 million dollars, no one knows for sure. But if he's getting insane dividends like that, you can bet it's growing fast and he's making much much more than $200k per year. If he's getting ~23% return annually on more than 60% of his portfolio, well it's pretty easy to figure out that this is a significant amount of change.

Ron Paul has been a "gold bug" for as long as I have known of him. Everybody who invested in the gold bug index referenced in the story got the same return that he did. RP was smart enough to realize that gold would do well in the rigged financial system we have in this world and he freely and openly talked about that issue only to be derided as a "crazy gold bug". For you to imply that he cheated somehow is just envy on your part. And as an aside, I doubt he gets any dividends at all as very few gold miners pay dividends, I am pretty sure virtually all of his return has been in capital gains.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
He makes his money short selling and then takes the profits and invests it in real estate.

Congressmen can make a shit ton of money shortselling and always make the right bets because they get information the rest of us don't have access to.

Then he invests in start up mining companies (which is pretty safe bet when you know which mining companies are going to be permitted to mine where in advance). It's like having a slot machine that pays out every time.

I'll look for a link.
You spout off a bunch of unsubstantiated BS like this and then have the audacity to claim that RP is "crazy".

You claim that congressmen can legally use insider info to trade. I would appreciate a link to the law that confirms that.


Well-Known Member
If you count the dividends Ron Paul receives every year from insider trading he makes much more than $200k a year.
You first accused him of insider trading now you're trying to accuse him of doing well with his portfolio. Maybe he set up a good retirement for himself through investment and that is why he is refusing to take the congressional pension.

You Paul haters can't find any dirt on him. you got nothin!


Well-Known Member
You first accused him of insider trading now you're trying to accuse him of doing well with his portfolio. Maybe he set up a good retirement for himself through investment and that is why he is refusing to take the congressional pension.

You Paul haters can't find any dirt on him. you got nothin!
Then why does the GOP pretend he doesn't exist?