Did RIU do away with the Like Button

No just scroll your mouse pointer over the persons message and click like when it appears
didn't work
When I first started on the site there was no Like button and the site didn't go down every few days...I never used the like button, and while enjoyed seeing all my new likes, I always felt like a cad for not ever liking anyone else back, or to begin with...if I really "like" what you say I will give rep...and it will say this "(specific message related to post) *High Five*" So then you know that I "like" what you say and why I "like" it...I say get rid of the damn "like" button and work harder on the site staying up more then it is down!
When I first started on the site there was no Like button and the site didn't go down every few days...I never used the like button, and while enjoyed seeing all my new likes, I always felt like a cad for not ever liking anyone else back, or to begin with...if I really "like" what you say I will give rep...and it will say this "(specific message related to post) *High Five*" So then you know that I "like" what you say and why I "like" it...I say get rid of the damn "like" button and work harder on the site staying up more then it is down!

+ rep..................
throws my whole day off...I get on at pretty specific times each day, and when the site is down I end up just sitting here like a weirdo trying to look at other sites and finding myself unengaged....so if YOU guys have to give up a like button for ME to be able to use RIU when I want then I am willing to go without the "like" button! HAHAHAHAhhahahahahahahhaaaaaa....see this is one of those blocks of time while I enjoy idling ranting on RIU...lol.