Did Nirvana rip me off?


Active Member
I placed an online nirvana order last night and I got the following error at the checkout screen ...

Payment Failed Reason:no importstring result
XPath error in XPath.class.php:1728 In importFromString(): XML error in given string on line 1 column 25. Reason:not well-formed (invalid token)

My credit card was billed the full amount, and I do not see the order listed under my account on nirvanas site. I sent an email immediately to nirvana support, and I also sent another email today ... no word back though!

Has this happened to anyone else? If they wont return my email I don't know what else I can do ..... it has only been 24 hours, but still .... this is a customer service issue. What do you guys think?


Active Member
This sucks man, ... I would think that they would read their support emails, .... and I can't find any other email address for them at all. I suppose I could make a phone call, ... I'm sure it wouldn't be cheap coming from the usa. This was my first attempt at using nirvana, ... I mean, does their order system even work for anyone else lately? Was I just extremely unlucky this time around? Does anybody have any other contact info for nirvana? I'm flippin' my lid here, this sucks king kong's ballsack man.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
dosnt take a day to show up that they declined the charge too.

they probly had inventory probs so they were gona do it but didnt have them?


Well-Known Member
yea or since it was just the weekend maybe they are all backed up and seed companies sort of slack a bit anyway...did you try their customer support telephone number if they have one? if nothing else i would just call my CC company and dispute.


Active Member
I had a good experience with them. They take a little while to send out the orders and sent out confirmation emails... you know they are stoners!!! I was worried at first too when nothing really happened... all turned out well


Well-Known Member
I havent had any probs, but let the weekend pass and check on it next week. Shoot them an email asking WTF


yeah, i like nirvana seeds, but not nirvana the company. i really think their service stinks. i buy their seeds from other seed companies. seed companies sell nirvana seeds for less money, ship quicker and provide better service. live and learn.


Well-Known Member
I just go downtown van and find my seeds there... on one block radius we have 5 different places that sell seedsbongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude, I feel you pain. I had a bad run with Nirvana a few years ago and I wont ever deal with them again! Although my problem was different and the same, I had a sterile seed issue (my seeds would not germ.) they never answered my e-mails so I wish you good luck. If you want good shit that's cheap try some KC BRAINS they have CANNABIS CUPS. does Nirvana?


Well-Known Member
If you do happen to get a refund or call you CC company and get it figured out Possibly try Attitude seeds they are reliable and have been for me


Well-Known Member
It's pretty nice.. we even got marc emerys vapo lounge where you use volcanos and and get stoned... purely legal too it's pretty killer


Active Member
Kind of got it sorted out, they refunded that order and I made another. BUT ... now it looks like they have charged me for 2 orders .... one shows up under my account on their website and I have received the shipment ... the other doesnt show up on their site and I am waiting ...... again ..... for a response from their support to email me back ... shipment was fast, but their support person Alice has been very slow about returning my emails! I'll probably go elsewhere in the future.