Did I Take Acid?


Active Member
So I got these tabs from a buddy of mine, just plain white no art on them. I went to another friends college (NJIT), and dropped 3 of them. I've never taken acid before and someone else told me these tabs weren't great but they would be fun. When I first started to feel some affects, it felt like I was rolling on some e-bombs, pretty anxious and excited. When it really started to intensify, we were on a roof at his school. Keep in mind this is the city, tons of lights, huge buildings, sirens all over the place. The sirens got very loud, sounded like they were right under us. Certain things started to look almost 3d, there was a painting inside one of the galleries at the school that looked like it was popping off the canvas. I could focus on one object and everything else would somewhat morph around it. Only way I can describe it is that I saw whatever I was thinking and believe me I was thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Mind was racing a thousand miles a minute and very euphoric. Even the shadows from buildings looked amazing. My friend is an architecture major so there was tons of building models that looked of great detail. I had a great time just walking around the school and city.

These tabs weren't that strong or face melting or anything like that, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. Was it really acid or another hallucinogen? Also when I took them, they had no taste. Thanks.
yeah... sounds pretty familiar to my last acid trip from a few years ago.

I ended up going to Memphis, Tenn. with friends. Back in 2006.. they had the 'DUB' Magazine car show.. as well as their annual 'Memphis in May' thing. Me and one the other guys that came with us.. out of all 4 of us.. he was the only one that had been to the 'Memphis in May' thing.. and he asked my if I wanted to go to the "Hippy Park" with him. I said.. sure why not. I was 24 years old at the time.. and had only tripped once before... so I had forgot how intense it can be. But yeah we ended up walking up and down 'Beal' or is it 'Bill' street? Either way, we ended up walking around most the night.. and the 'DUB' magazine show was also having a cruise night on the same street.. and all I can remember.. is walking around and just seeing all the beautiful lights from all the clubs and restuarants.. and what not. To me.. they were just beautiful.. a blurry.. but very very vivid and bright. I remember seeing tracers.. like from all the lights. You know what I mean by tracers right?? It was just weird... but a fucking BLAST!!!

All I really remember is going back to the park about 2 more times throughout the night and getting another hit or two each time.. needless to say.. I was tripping for a good 24 hours straight. I also remember looking in the mirror... and that was a fucking trip all in its self!! I remember seeing my eyes.. my pupils were so fucking huge.. it was almost scary... but I wasn't scared.. I was just mezmorized at how big my fucking pupils really were... I didn't even think they could get that big.. I guess I was wrong. LMAO.. wow... man yeah those were the good old days to me..

I'm 28 years old now.. be 29 this coming February. I'm getting old.. :| But, its just a number.. that's how I look at it. I don't feel 28 that's for sure. I feel like I'm around 22 to 23 years old.

anyhow.. yeah I would say you had a pretty nice trip as well.
Could have been DOI or DOB
I looked at the DOB description on erowid, it could have been that. It took around... we'll say 2 hours to feel full effects.

yeah... sounds pretty familiar to my last acid trip from a few years ago.

I ended up going to Memphis, Tenn. with friends. Back in 2006.. they had the 'DUB' Magazine car show.. as well as their annual 'Memphis in May' thing. Me and one the other guys that came with us.. out of all 4 of us.. he was the only one that had been to the 'Memphis in May' thing.. and he asked my if I wanted to go to the "Hippy Park" with him. I said.. sure why not. I was 24 years old at the time.. and had only tripped once before... so I had forgot how intense it can be. But yeah we ended up walking up and down 'Beal' or is it 'Bill' street? Either way, we ended up walking around most the night.. and the 'DUB' magazine show was also having a cruise night on the same street.. and all I can remember.. is walking around and just seeing all the beautiful lights from all the clubs and restuarants.. and what not. To me.. they were just beautiful.. a blurry.. but very very vivid and bright. I remember seeing tracers.. like from all the lights. You know what I mean by tracers right?? It was just weird... but a fucking BLAST!!!

All I really remember is going back to the park about 2 more times throughout the night and getting another hit or two each time.. needless to say.. I was tripping for a good 24 hours straight. I also remember looking in the mirror... and that was a fucking trip all in its self!! I remember seeing my eyes.. my pupils were so fucking huge.. it was almost scary... but I wasn't scared.. I was just mezmorized at how big my fucking pupils really were... I didn't even think they could get that big.. I guess I was wrong. LMAO.. wow... man yeah those were the good old days to me..

I'm 28 years old now.. be 29 this coming February. I'm getting old.. :| But, its just a number.. that's how I look at it. I don't feel 28 that's for sure. I feel like I'm around 22 to 23 years old.

anyhow.. yeah I would say you had a pretty nice trip as well.

Sounds pretty much like mine too, my eyes were straight black, all pupil haha. At one point we left his dorm and went outside, we came back and I was the only one who left my ID in the room. I felt so awkward having to sit in the lobby with this security guard. I knew they knew I was fucked up on something. She let me go up the elevator after a minute or 2 realizing that she had seen me 4 times that night and I forgot the ID twice out of 4 times. My god was the elevator fun, felt like I was flying in that thing!
sounds like lsd to me, how long did it last?

I put the tabs on my tongue around 10:30ish PM. I was up until around 7, i'm not sure how long the effects lasted, I lost complete sense of time it was great! When the trip was done it felt like 5 minutes passed, not 7+ hours haha.