Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy


Well-Known Member
I Recieved my grow light package today. I ordered 2 lights from an international seller but there was a delay and they sent me three for compensation .

Well 2 of the led boards came damaged, some leds appear to have "scratched" off and the power connection to the board completely snapped off. They were not packaged nearly good enough.

I'd there a way to tell if these Samsung board are real or knock off?


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Samsung does not make boards like that. It says samsung 301b because those are the diodes they claim to be using. Not because samsung built that board.
No board you order from china will be made by samsung.
Thats is defo a knock off board of what looks like dubious quality. Hlg boards are branded by samsung. This one says Enfon or something. Might be real samsung lm301b but wont be same bin as HLG. Contact your seller, if you went thru alibaba check their trade assurances or if the shipping company have insurance.
Best of luck
I Recieved my grow light package today. I ordered 2 lights from an international seller but there was a delay and they sent me three for compensation .

Well 2 of the led boards came damaged, some leds appear to have "scratched" off and the power connection to the board completely snapped off. They were not packaged nearly good enough.

I'd there a way to tell if these Samsung board are real or knock off?
The diodes in the first pic are definitely not LM301B. As for the others, I'm not sure.
Luckily for you, it looks pretty simple to at least reconnect the connection harness. Little solder on there reflowed and I bet it'll stick nicely.
Did you see the two mangled diodes beside the connector? I wouldn't be plugging that in. My suggestion is contact the seller demand a refund. If they say no I pray to god you purchased on a credit card, If so contact your cc if the company wont refund you and have them cancel payment.
Your cc company is there for you and will go to bat.
Solder directly to those pads might still be salvageable I'd skip trying to reinstall that connector.

Oddly enough the diode immediately adjacent to where that connector was looks almost like a damage of some kind, smoke? Flashover/arc flash?
I definitely thought I was going to get a legit genuine product. The damage to the diodes was from the power supplies during shipping.

Is the board garbage if there is damage to a single diode as I pictured ?

I can definetely get a full refund if I have to but I'd like them replaced if they are genuine parts
I definitely thought I was going to get a legit genuine product. The damage to the diodes was from the power supplies during shipping.

Is the board garbage if there is damage to a single diode as I pictured ?

I can definetely get a full refund if I have to but I'd like them replaced if they are genuine parts
Did the seller disclose that one of the boards did not use LM301B? If not, I'd say the whole order is suspect and you shouldn't trust a thing they tell you.