Did I mess up topping?


New Member
Currently I have Barneys Farm Blue Cheese and Dinafem Blue Cheese growing in roots organic soil under a 150 w hps. They are on their second week going on third of veg. I plan to veg the plants for a while (not really in a hurry to flower). I plan on putting them under a 400w hps for flowering. I want to experiment with these plants and get a nice even and big canopy (using supercropping and topping) before I flower. I know both strains are already small and bushy naturally, but me and my buddy want to see how far we can push the genetics of these two strains.

I topped the plants a little early right above the third node, but I think the Blue Cheese may have just healed itself and is starting to grow back normally since I see 3 tops. One near the middle and two on the side. I think it is still too early to tell with the Cheese plant. I am attaching pictures so you guys can give tell me if I messed up. I am also attaching full pictures of the plant so you guys can tell me if you see anything wrong with the plant growth so far. (Sorry for picture quality my iPhone 4 sucks for pics)

Peace & Pot :joint:

01 Top BC.jpg02 Top BC.jpg03 Top BC.jpgBlue Cheese 01.jpgBlue Cheese 02.jpgBlue Cheese 03.jpgBlue Cheese.jpgCheese 01.jpgCheese top.jpgCheese.jpgCheese02.jpg


New Member
I think you're fine, bro. The only think I see you'll have to contend with is low branches that won't produce much so just trim them when they start to appear. Other than that, you're cool.